Chapter 12

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(Mr. Carter's story- Back to the beginning)

    It was the year 1969. The bath was lukewarm and the white candle across the room was burning out. As I grabbed my towel, I was repulsed by the sight of my mother's towel hanging next to it- the color of red. As any other human would do: I dried myself off with my towel. Then I walked back to my room to put on a pair of white underwear, along with the pair of pajamas I had at the time. Which as a solid color, navy blue laced with white lining. Something I had bought for myself when I outgrew the ones my father had bought me for Christmas two years back.

    My mother was dead by this time and my house was on the market, and I was the only person living in the house. My father had remarried and bought a house in Upper Manhattan with his new wife, Anne. She was a beautiful women, the first time I saw her, I understood why my father had choose this women to marry.

    Creatures are lustful. Full of selfish desires. And humans can never deny these desires, as long as they live on the world they have created, they will remain the sinful creatures that they are.

    It was my last night at the family house. I do not know what caused me to do it- but I could not hold back my desire to sleep in the same bed I had saw my mother making love to another man in. And that night- that single act- caused everything in my life to change.

    The dream will always be clear in my memory, for it is what gave me a purpose to live, a purpose to go on living. That very night, in my dream- an angel had appeared to me.


I was walking down a dark alley way, confused since I did not recognize the street that I was walking down. It must have not been New York and if it was- it was a part of the state where I have never been before. As I began to look around, I noticed I was not in a place where people lived, where building where built, where cars would drive. Rather, I was in a forest. Green Mountain National Forest.

It was odd, I was in distraught as I continued down the road.For there were no lights but the one up ahead. And every time I walked forward, it seemed I was only walking backwards. For the distance between the light and me, was only growing further.

    Now, you must be thinking: weren't you scared?

I wondered the same thing, why wasn't I scared?

I should have been, I was in a dark place. Bad things occur in dark places. And worse things happen in the night time when no one is around.    

But rather, the only thing I could focus on, were my frustrations that only grew the more I tried to continue this loop, the non ending cycle of walking forward. Seven times I had tried, seven. On the eighth try, it had finally worked.

    Oh, the joy I felt in this moment as I was finally allowed to walk towards the light that had been mocking me for some time. Sadly, the joy only lasted for a few seconds, until I saw two figures in the light. Those figures being my mom and a man. The same man who I found her in bed with all those years back. Her body was pale and her breast were just the same as I remembered them. And the sounds that came out of her mouth as this man thrusted inside of her, were like the sounds a mermaid would make to lure their victim in. It was beautiful. Oh- it was so beautiful, indeed. As I continued to watch her, my physical reaction to her grew stronger. How could I have helped it? I am a creature bound to this sinful world. A creature born of sin. I am live in this human body, with lustful desires that must be met.

    I satisfied myself, just as the man and my mother were having intercourse in front of me.

An overwhelming feeling came over me, soon after my physical desires were met. It was my mother.

No. It was an angel.

She had white wings and her body was a glowing. Her body was; a replica of my mothers. But her face, no- she had no face.

    "My sweet child" Her voice was that of my mother, "I have failed as mother, as a wife, as a women." As she said these words, her delicate white wings that both hung to the side of her, began to drip the color of red. I backed up from the floor I had been sitting on as I watched this color hit the floor beneath me. It was blood. Her wings soon grew the color of blood red, "Now I will live my life as a fallen angel." Her body had slivered down to nothing, along with her once beautiful wings, and she disappeared.

"My dear child, become a discipline of God and punish those for their sins, the same sins that have created the hate that is buried deep inside your heart."

    The words from a fallen angel.

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