Market Racket Rumble

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That call made a jolt shudder within Leandre as she stood up. The tarp covering her cage was removed as she hissed slightly from the sudden onslaught of harsh sunlight.

"Your Eminence!"

The sound of the cage door opening as Leandre leapt out and issued a mighty roar which served only to further fuel the crew's determination to fight and fir the villagers to peek out and see the rumble ongoing.

Up above, Caspian, Edmund and Lord Bern were being escorted the sudden ambush came. Caspian quickly shoved one of the guards off as he ran to the nearest balcony to stare down at the pandemonium from above.

Lucy gasped when Reepicheep suddenly appeared, sword in hand as he unlocked the cuff on her "Thanks Reep, I knew you'd come!" Lucy said with a smile. Said mouse bowed before her "Your Highness" Was all he said before he proceeded to hit a man's hand from getting too close to Lucy. Now, Leandre wasn't all that powerful compared to her mate but what she lacks, she finds through what she can do.

Lucy yelped when she found herself on Leandre's back and the two proceeded to swipe and hit the nearest enemies in their range. "I have to admit, this feels weird" Lucy said, having never fought against enemies on the back of a lion, much less Leandre's back of all animals. "We'll get used to it cause I still have some grievances with them!" Lucy grinned "You and me both!" She replied, ripping the "SOLD" tag off her neck.

Above the commotion below, Edmund quickly wrapped the chains around the neck of their warden, effectively cutting off the man's air supply and choking him. "Get the keys!" Edmund shouted to Lord Bert as the old man grabbed the keys from the man's side and made his way to Caspian's side as fast as his old legs could take him.

Caspian managed to throw his captors off and managed to spot Lord Bert holding the keys "Keys!" Caspian shouted with his hands open to receive them. Lord Bert quickly threw it towards Caspian as the Prince quickly unlocked himself before throwing them back to Lord Bert to hand it to Edmund who was still cuffed.

Eustace watched the fray with wide eyes. No matter where he turned, either someone was getting killed or someone getting beat up or tossed around like a ball by those man-goats (Minotaurs). Eustace quickly dropped for cover and slowly made his way back to where the boats may be as soon as he snatched the keys off of a man's waist and unlocked his cuffs.

How both the Narnians and the enemies fail to spot Eustace was a mystery, though it was probably thanks to his clothes that seemingly matched the dirt ground and the fact that they all saw Eustace as something weak and easy to handle. If Eustace ever heard those words come out of their mouths, no doubt his pride would have taken a blow but as of right now, he was more interested in living than dying in some foreign, fantasy land. 

Meanwhile, the residents of the town watched the entire commotion, their numbers growing by the minute as they watched the Narnians easily drive the enemies to a corner. Without warning, a family of villagers came out with ordinary tools and furniture décor like vases and began smashing the heads of each of the enemies.

That sparked a revolution as the town's people soon came out carrying pickaxes, shovels, hammers and sticks as weapons. The mercenaries soon found themselves overwhelmed by the sudden rebellion against the people they had easily managed to conquer in the past.

"Where's Lucy and Leandre!?" Edmund shouted from above as Caspian swung himself towards and mercenary and kicked him out of a window before dropping down and slapping another one on the neck, knocking the man unconscious.

A lion's roar sounded out as Leandre with Lucy on her back, bounded to the two "Have any of you seen Eustace?" Leandre asked before turning her head and snarling at the man that was running towards them  with a spear in hand. Said man quickly changed direction at the sight of Leandre's sharp teeth.

"He's probably back at the boats by now!" Edmund shouted before he threw one mercenary over his shoulder and dropped him headfirst hard on the ground. Lucy quickly unmounted Leandre who shouted at him "I'll go get him. You guys handle the rest, we'll wait for you at the boats" Before more words could be said, Leandre charged straight back to the fray, roaring and harshly shoving any mercenaries in her way. "I never noticed but it would seem that Leandre's acting a lot more queenly now" Edmund stated. Remembering the times when Leandre was still shy and hardly says anything other than something that might be of interest.


"Oh, you're in a boat in a magical land, can't ya row yourself?!" Eustace questioned the boat he was on. He had seen a lot of things that define all logic from talking animals to mystical myths made real. Now, he wouldn't be so surprised if boats could actually move on its own upon command. Unfortunately, even fantasy may have some limits.

Like boats are still...ordinary boats. No magic or anything alive making it move.

 Unbeknownst to Eustace as he was busy setting up the oars to be attached to the boat, The leader of the Slave Traders was holding a knife and was about to make a move to strike from behind. He had managed to escape the fray and was about to steal one of the boats to escape when he saw the boy struggling in one of the boats.

Leandre arrived just in time to see the man already close to a striking range of Eustace's back. "Eustace! Watch out!" Leandre screamed as she ran, jumping down as Eustace turned to Leandre in surprise while holding the heavy oar. The weight of the oar shifted against Eustace and the boy had no choice but to swing it around to avoid falling on his back and stabilizing himself.

The resulted in accidentally hitting the leader of the slave traders in the face. Eustace let out a yelp when he finally noticed him, dropping the oar down as Leandre stopped mid run to blink in shock over what had been a lucky break for Eustace.

"Oh god, I hope that wasn't the British Consul" Eustace muttered before he turned to Leandre and shouted "Leandre, I might have accidentally hit the British Consul, if we can't give him medical treatment now...I don't want to go to prison for assault!" Leandre had half a mind to laugh, seeing as Eustace was feeling like himself again.

"Eustace...that wasn't the British Consul" Leandre said. Eustace was confused at what she meant when he turned to see the same man that held him captive emerge from the water with a groan. Eustace let out a yell as Leandre leapt right in front of the man's vision and roared quite loudly. The shock appeared just as quickly as the man fainted once again but not before Eustace managed to carry the heavy oar and drop it on top of the man.

As he watched Lenadre dragging the man safely to shore by her teeth, he couldn't help but confirm again "Are you sure I won't go to prison for assault?"

Leandre couldn't contain her laughter by then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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