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Leandre knew she was dreaming. She has to be, it was the only way that could explain her sight being nothing but mists all around her. However, there was a stifling feeling inside her. Almost as if she was being held by something that was cutting off her air supply. The mist grew denser and as Leandre strained her ears she was bombarded by a series of whispers. Dark whispers that spoke off her memories before she was reborn as a member of the Pevensie family.

You have forgotten...

How could a queen forget her people...

You chose them instead of Aslan, your Mate and King!

Leandre covered her ears to try and block off the noises as she tried to cry out that no, she would never abandon Narnia or Aslan, her mate and king. The whispers in turn grew louder and the mist grew dense as Leandre went down on her knees and closed her eyes, hoping everything was just a -


Leandre shot up from her small bedroom on her bed as she looked around in slight confusion and panic. It was only when she organized her thoughts did she realize that she was in her shared room with Lucy in her cousin Eustace Clarence Scrubb's home. Hands shaking, she clutched them together and pressed them to her chest, feeling her heart beating wildly like a jackrabbit running.

"I'm home! Hello!?"

Lucy's voice echoed in the halls as Leandre flung the covers off her before making her bed, tidying herself up and heading downstairs. She went downstairs to see their Uncle Harold already sitting comfortably on his sofa with today's news as Lucy enters the house. "Good morning Leandre, Uncle Harold" Lucy greets to which Leandre replied with a smile of greeting before she grimaced.

"Nightmares again?" Lucy whispered as Leandre followed her to the dining table to place the groceries down "It's getting frequent. I'm not sure if I should be worried or not" Leandre said as she helped Lucy by placing the grocery items in their respective cabinets and shelves "Uncle Harold I tried to find some carrots but all they had were turnips again" Lucy said as she walked out but not before turning to Leandre and mouthing that they would discuss this later.

"Shall I start making soup? Aunt Alberta's on her way home" Lucy said as she removed her coat and folding them. Uncle Harold merely coughed, ignoring Lucy entirely which made the young girl frown "Uncle Harold" Lucy called again when she noticed Leandre excitedly waving her hands to gain her attention.

On her hand was a letter from Susan Pevensie from America. Lucy's eyes lit up, it had been so long since they received letters from their family who were so far away any news relating to them is a blessing for the younger Pevensie children and Leandre. While the girls were sorting through the mail, the boys were in the middle of a short argument which would slowly escalate into a fight when Eustace spat a spitball at Edmund to which the young man ran after his cousin with his fists raised.

"Why you little-!"

"Father, he's going to hit me!" Eustace said in a loud tone which Uncle Harold ignored believing that the news he's reading today are more important than kids with their childish antics. Thankfully, Lucy was able to thwart Edmund from punching his cousin by calling out excitedly "Edmund look! It's from Susan" Lucy said, holding up the letter.

All at once, there was a gleam in Edmund's eyes that made him forget about his cousin still sitting on the stairs as he gestured upstairs to which Lucy went up but then she stopped once she remembered the soup she was going to make for Uncle Harold and Aunt Alberta. "I'll cover for you Lu, you and Edmund go and read the letter" Leandre said. Edmund opened his mouth to try and protest knowing Leandre would also want to hear any news from their family from America.

"I'll be fine and besides, I can read the contents later. It isn't going anywhere" Leandre said. It would also give her enough ample time to sort out the nightmares she's been having especially the presence of the mists that always seem to be the forefront of her nightmares. "Is Aslan trying to tell me something?" Leandre thought as she heated the stove and began boiling water and adding the ingredients for making soup.

Leandre wanted to dwell on the thought more but it was cut off when Uncle Harold coughed again to which Leandre called out "Don't worry Uncle Harold, it'll be ready just a few more minutes" Leandre said as she taste tested the soup to amke sure it was the right taste before adding them to a bow, placing it on a tray and handed it to Uncle Harold.

Uncle Harold merely took a sip and nodded in her direction before placing the bowl beside him on a small, round table. Taking that as a sign for her to leave, Leandre briskly walked upstairs but then heard the sound of Aunt Alberta calling out from the doorway.

"I'm home!"

Aunt Alberta said as she entered. Leandre quickly greeted her "Hello Aunt Alberta..." Of course, the woman ignored Leandre which made the young woman slightly feeling irritated at the rude gesture "Hello Harold Dear. Where's Eustace?" Uncle Harold merely pointed to the direction of the stairs.

"If you'd like. I can get Eustace for you" Aunt Alberta waved her away "Yes, yes please do. Tell him that Jill Pole is coming in for a visit. Also, I happen to chance by a young man who seemed rather fond of you Leandre. You should consider progressing your livelihood especially on the romantic partner"

Leandre felt cold and hot rage mix together as she bit her lip and cheek before replying in a blank tone "Aunt Alberta, I am a woman of age and should be allowed to make my own decision regarding that"

"A woman of age? If you are that, you should've followed your cousins Susan and Peter in America. No doubt you would be invited to attend a lot of parties and social gatherings to add to your status. Having a partner of good breeding could also add as a boost"

Feeling as if she wanted to hurl herself on the floor, Leandre lowered her head before mumbling out of going to the bathroom before dashing upstairs quite loudly. Aunt Alberta tsked as she watched the disappearing back of Leandre.

"Stubborn...she won't be able to get married quickly if she's having this kind of bad attitude"


For one thing, Leandre didn't hurl as she made her way upstairs and collapsed to the ground. Right now in this day and age, women always follow the rules of man and female children must follow the rules of the parent or guardian even if it means having a blind date with a stranger despite women expanding their works and jobs, some still follow the traditions in the old ways.

The Scrubb family were one of those people.

Leandre slowly stood up as she made a silent plea.

"Aslan, please give me a sign. It's been too long already"

Leandre sighed as she stood up and walked up to the door that lead to Edmund and Eustace's shared room. Knocking on the door but receiving no reply, Leandre headed to her and Lucy's shared room.

"Eustace? Your mother called you" She knocked on the door. There was no reply which made Leandre frown. She raised her hand to knock again when -

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Leandre stood back in shock as drops of water rapidly came from on top of the door and raining down on her hand like a small waterfall. Looking down, Leandre didn't see a small puddle forming from below. Hand in her heart, she twisted the doorknob and it easily twisted open. Pulling the door back, Leandre quickly gasped as she stared straight ahead at the room or what used to be the room.

A wall of water greeted her gaze.

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