Chapter Seventeen

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Ryder, Chase, and Marshall went on many missions during the following two months. With more people being recruited at Adventure City and nearby towns, Justin left town a lot, leaving the three with all the assignments. But they didn't mind. Ryder, Chase, and Marshall found it an opportunity to bond and learn.

With some funding that the townspeople gave the group, Ryder bought a used ATV and modified it to his liking. Chase and Marshall helped him by bringing him tools and whatever he needed. If they didn't have missions or weren't helping Ryder with his ATV, Chase and Marshall were either playing together or finishing up the tower's exterior walls.

Chase was given the police uniform, and Marshall got the firefighter uniform for their hard work. Ryder made some specialized pup packs for both of them. Chase's pup pack contained a grappling hook, megaphone, and ball launcher (it was just a prototype version). Marshall's pup pack transformed into water cannons.

Using the grappling hook, Chase climbed down the side of the tower and painted the upper half. Marshall used his water cannon, which he replaced with paint, to finish up the bottom half. Chase and Marshall finished the outer walls in two days, and the tower was complete.

When Justin returned from his latest trip, he passed by the tower and was in awe at how it looked. "The three of you finished this in two days?" he asked.

"Actually, it was just Chase and Marshall," Ryder replied. "I was working on other projects.

Justin looked down at Chase and Marshall. "Really?" he asked.

"Yes, sir, we did," Chase replied. "Crazy what a bit of teamwork can do."

"Well, great job," Justin said. "It looks amazing."

"Thanks," Chase and Marshall said in unison.

"So, dad," Ryder interrupted. "Didn't you have something to tell us?"

"Oh, right," Justin said. "I accepted a job in a small town no more than an hour from here. I'm going to pull out of retirement since I'm still in my late 30s and become the sheriff of the town."

"That's amazing," Ryder said.

"Um, sir," Chase said. "What about this tower? I mean, we worked very hard on it."

"That you did," Justin agreed. "That's why I asked the mayor to fund a new emergency services team to work from here."

"Who's going to be in it?" Marshall asked.

"Well, you three are going to start it," Justin said. "You will live and work from here. Ryder is going to be the leader. Chase and Marshall are going to be the first members."

"First?" Chase and Marshall asked.

"Well, when the time comes, the team will need to expand for more challenging missions. But that will come when Ryder deems it necessary."

"What about you and my mom?" Ryder asked. "Won't you guys live with us?"

"No, Ryder," Justin said. "We're going to be moving to the small town I mentioned earlier. But we'll visit and call, checking up on you frequently."

"So we're going to live alone?" Chase asked.

"For now," Justin replied. "But something tells me that it may change in the future. But then again, it's your choice. You can either start an emergency service here or come with us."

Ryder, Chase, and Marshall looked at each other. They knew that it would be tough to start a team alone. But it will be necessary. Every town should have an emergency service, and Adventure Bay needed one. There will be struggles, but at least they won't be alone. Together, no job will be too big, and no pup will be too small.

"We'll stay," they said in unison.

Justin smiled. "I was hoping you would say that. I'll go contact the mayor now." He pulled out his phone and called the mayor. "Hello, Mayor Goodway? They agreed to stay and start the team." There was a pause, and then Justin looked at Ryder, Chase, and Marshall. "What's the name of the team?"

Ryder, Chase, and Marshall looked at each other. They haven't thought about that yet. It had to be something easy to remember, yet it stood out. Something that used the fact that they were a group of pups, and a boy, that was ready to protect and serve Adventure Bay.

"What about Paw Patrol?' Chase asked.

"That's a great idea, Chase," Ryder commented.

"Yeah," Marshall agreed.

Justin smiled. "Paw Patrol, it is," Justin said on the phone. "Yes, mayor, we will. . . . Thank you . . . Bye." Justin hung up the phone with the mayor.

Ryder, Marshall, and Chase helped load things into boxes for the rest of the week and the following week. They took some stuff from Ryder's old house to the tower, which they agreed to call the Lookout. They loaded the rest of the boxes and items into a moving truck.

It was time for Ryder's parents to leave Adventure Bay. "Good luck, Ryder," Ryder's mom said as she hugged him. "Make sure to call every day. We will visit as much as we can."

"I will, Mom," Ryder replied.

Justin walked up and hugged his son. "Remember, people are going to look up to you," he said. "You're going to have to make some difficult decisions. But I believe in you. We love you, Ryder."

"I love you, too, dad," Ryder replied.

Ryder's parents got into the cruiser and drove off, with the driver of the moving truck following them close behind. Ryder, Chase, and Marshall stood at the end of the bridge until they could no longer see the vehicles. The sun began to rise over the horizon.

"What now, Ryder?" Chase asked.

Ryder looked at him and Marshall. "I'm not sure," Ryder said. "But whatever we do, we're going to do it together." They began walking back to the Lookout. "You know," Ryder said. "I have a surprise for you both."

"Really?" Chase and Marshall asked at the same time.

"Yeah," Ryder replied. "Come on."

Ryder led them to the garage door and opened it up. Inside were two brand new vehicles. One of them was blue, and the other one was red. The blue car was shaped like a box, while the red one was more stretched out. They both came with sirens with stickers on them. The blue car had a sticker of a bone with the number two in the middle of it. The red one had the number three instead of two.

"These are your new vehicles," Ryder explained. "Chase, your's is the blue one, and Marshall, your's is the red one. I will teach you how to drive and use the different mechanisms."

Chase and Marshall didn't know what to say. They hopped into the driver seats and looked at all the buttons and controls. "When did you make these?" Marshall asked.

"I had a lot of free time," Ryder said. "So, what do you say? Ready to make the world a better place."

Chase looked at Marshall, who nodded, agreeing. Chase looked back at Ryder and said, "Ready for action, Ryder, sir."

~End of Story~

Ryder looked over the pups. "And that was the beginning of the Paw Patrol as we know it."

Rivals to Brothers-A Paw Patrol StoryWhere stories live. Discover now