40. Life Threatening

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Nobody in this house knew what happened in between Samaira and Vedika

Well after knowing the woman's name, she left Vedika but not before threatening her enough for her to not lure around them for the time period they are here for Saanvi's wedding

On the other hand Kritika tried to find every possible possibility so that she could find something about the key and she knew she have to do something fast and quickly 'cuz she don't have much time left in this house

And thus she began her searching everytime the brothers would leave she would start her searching, in the whole house and it's been already third day

Kritika had made a copy of that key already so she doesn't need to go into the office again and again for the key

She tried pushing that key into every possible keyhole but nothing worked

Today was the day she would be on the third floor, till now she hasn't told this about anyone because first she wants to know about this herself and then she can inform about this to the other two

Today the she was searching in Ryan's office, but soon she clicked her tongue, totally annoyed and frustrated for not able to find anything, for still being empty handed

But as she was about to leave, a painting caught her eyes and she knew that she found something

Moving closer to that painting, she moved the painting a bit and-


She heard a opening of door from her left and she rushed towards it and peeked inside and as she was about to go inside it-

"Mam, what are you doing here" a voice startled her and she took a step back from the door

Looking at the entrance, Hina was standing there, Hina was a new maid hired by the Raghuvanshi's and Saanvi told her she is very good at work

"Oh nothing, I was just passing by, actually I was leaving only" and with that kritika left making a mental note to come back again

"These things are going out of hand" a voice echoed in the almost empty room

"What do you mean" another voice asked to the previous one

"Those girls are being pain in the ass, they are truly adamant to find out the truth"

"Anyone would be like them, because they are desperate to prove their father's innocence"

"But they are being a hindrance to us, what should we do about that?" The voice echoed

"The same thing we did with their fathers" the person smirked

Today was Saanvi's spinster party aka a day to get drunk their asses off, currently all the ladies of the house were in a well known bar

Kritika had that mysterious door in her mind and she stopped herself from drinking as she would have to be awake to know more about that door and what is it hiding or is it heading her in the wrong direction

"Kritika, my sisss!!!" Samaira slured badly and Kritika clicked her tongue because she knew her baby is drunk and down

"What happened my big baby?" Kritika asked and Samaira babbled like a baby and on the other hand Disha and saanvi were already passed out right beside her

After a few constant minutes of babbling, she also passed out right on her lap and Kritika chuckled a bit due to her overload cuteness

Kritika rolled up her sleeves, and quickly lifted all of them at once, she didn't wanted to brag but she can pull all of them at once and she is proud about it

She called one of the female waitress and asked her for support to bring the ladies outside of the club

"Thanks for the help" Kritika acknowledged the waitress and then drove off to her destination

Once reaching the mansion, she dropped off three of them all to their rooms and changed all of them into some comfortable clothes and did the same with herself

Tieing her hair in a loose bun, she poked her head out of her room and peeked in the hallway and checked the hallway and once confirming that the coast is clear she went towards her destination

Reaching Ryan's office, she opened it easily as she knew the password due the fact she cleaned all of the three brothers room herself

Reaching the hidden door easily, she again came face to face with a locked door

Taking out the copy of the key she had, she pushed it through the key hole of the door and twisted it all the while praying

Please get unlocked!!

She heard a click, and she left a huff of relief, and did a little dance for her achievement

She was about to enter the room but she heard some footsteps in the hall way, although light steps but she could still hear it

Closing the door, she quickly kept the key in her pocket once locking the door and left Ryan's office and went downstairs without letting the other person knowing anyone was even there

All of this chaotic experience made kritika a little too thirsty and that made her change the route of her room to the kitchen

Entering the kitchen she took a glass of kept in the under tap and filled it with water, and drank it once it was filled as much she wanted

As she was drinking, she felt as if somebody was watching, she felt as if someone's eyes was piercing in her back and she got that creepy vibes

Turning back, she tried to look if somebody was there through the large window present in the kitchen

The kitchen had a backyard type of area which was like a garden of the estate, and it was connected with the kitchen by a medium length window which was big enough to let a 6ft man pass through it and reach the garden

It may sound stupid but still kritika decided to inspect the garden to see it somebody was there, she was feeling like a protagonist from a horror film who was about to enter the climax of the scene

Reaching the garden, she soon started inspecting the garden, checking everything making sure everything was good and well

As she turned around, a person in black clothes and totally hid behind black mask and hat and even before she could do anything to stop that person, she was attacked by the person with a rod and she instantly

Blacked out...

I don't know where the story is going but it's ending soon, yay ending soon

So guys I am planning like a alternative ending for this book, like one with the original ending like I planned and one other ending for my readers who want the leads together

So yeah to satisfy both type of readers mine, so what are your thoughts on this, should I do it or not?? Yay or nay??

Thoughts on today's chapter, any guess as the book is ending soon who could be behind the chaos??

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Next update once we reach 200k, and it would be double or either triple update once we reach 200k

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