17. I Just Hate You

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"Where are you going?" A sudden voice from the hallway stopped me in my tracks

"None of your concern" saying that I started walking out of this damn prison aka his mansion along with my bags

This jerk has more audacity than i thought, just as I took one step his hand seized my wrists and yanked me backward, with me resulting right on his chest

In spite I kept my hands on his chest and pushed him for him to stagger few steps back totally catching him off gaurd, "what the hell is your problem Mr Raghuvanshi" I screamed

"You, you are my problem Mrs Raghuvanshi" is there mockery I heard in his tone, my anger raised an octave

"Oh yeah right I am always your problem isn't it then why the fuck did you marry me, huh tell me, because of you my entire life got destroyed, because of you and my pathetic father who didn't even thought once before solding his daughter to a monster like you" I screamed, my dam breaking which I kept holding for past few weeks

Tears were freely flowing down my cheeks and now I can even taste the saltiness of it in my mouth and I can clearly see one emotion that I hate the most in the world, Pity.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and stared at him straight in the eyes, by now he have also concealed every emotion on his face and he was staring at me coldly

The living room was dead silent and only our breathing were heard in here, then his cold voice resonated in entire room,

"So sad of you to think the person you are talking about is your real father" his all time famous smirk was there

"Wh.. what do you mean?" I ask with slightly trembling voice

"That you will know soon Mrs Raghuvanshi"



Raghav, all my thoughts are consumed by this single man, even now when I was painting I subconsciously drew him

That same sharp brown eyes staring right at her, his delicate pinkinsh red lips which always remind her of strawberries, his chiseled jaw

Painting is one of her hobbies which she do in her leisure time, she has dedicated a whole room to her painting and no on in the house knows about

And till now this is the best painting she has made, the very own potrait of her husband

Even though she has sub consciously made it she is still happy with the results, suddenly a thought struck in my head

I should gift this potrait to raghav on our wedding anniversary

He would probably be happy, seeing how we have been past few weeks, I feeling quite excited for our upcoming first anniversary

I took the potrait and kept it safely in one of the locker in my painting room and locked it, next I went towards the basin and washed off all the paints off my hand

Then I wiped my hand on the hand towel and came outside and then locked the door, I can't afford anyone to come inside

As soon as I took three steps I bumped into a hard chest and went flying into the floor

"Oww" I whined and looked up to give a piece of mind to whoever it was but seeing who it was my words got struck in my throat

"Raghav" I whispered out

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