Humans and Monsters

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We managed to come back. And
we were laughing REAL hard because of my jokes.

Gaster:Oh,thank GODNESS you were able to read thar note!

Sans:Heh. . .

Frisk went ahead and hugged me. I was only gone for 40 minutes, jeez!

Y/N:Sheesh Frisk,it's like i was gone for a year!

Chara was still laughing.

Gaster:Chara? I haven't seen you laughing in years!

Chara:Thanks to Y/N, i am happy again!


Y/N:Here's the soul!

Gaster:Finally... After all of these years!

Gaster:The monsterkind will finally be free again!

Y/N:Thanks to Chara and her inxredible fighting style!

Y/N:I talked it out with the other me, but Frisk... Didn't really care.

Y/N:You should've seen Chara tho!

Y/N:It was as if it was an anime fight!

Alphys:T-That must've been e-epic!

Chara:T-Thanks guys!

Chara was blushing, man everything must feel so good for her now.

???:I agree.

I heard a deep voice. . .

Gaster:Ah,Asgore! We are dinally free from the UNDERGROUND!

Asgore: . . . They just.. agreed to give up?

Gaster:N-No not them!


Gaster had shown "Asgore" the soul...

Asgore:How'd you get this?

Chara:Dad, long story short; ee traveled between timelines and killed evil versions of Y/N and Frisk!

Asgore:I thought traveling between timelines was impossible?

Sans:Nah, im too lazy to listen to the laws of physics.

Asgore:I see. . .

Chara:By the way dad, look!!

Chara showed her soul to Asgore...

Asgore:Oh my God! Chara you're alive again!

Frisk:We need to tell this to Toriel!



Sans:Alright, let's go you crybabies!

Chara:Can i... come too?

Y/N:I don't see why not!

Sans:Over here,i know another shortcut.

And suddenly, you were at RUINS' entrance.

*knock knock*


Toriel:Who's there?


I can hear the excitement in her voice. .

Toriel:Adore who?

Y/N:Adore is between us thar's for sure!

Toriel opened the door and instanly hugged us..

Toriel:My children,i missed you!


Chara:H-Hi mom! Long time no see.

Toriel:Come here my little snail!

Nice! A family hug!
I guess.

Frisk:Mom! Mom!

Frisk:We're free!

Toriel:Were you captured?

Frisk:No! We're gonna break the barrier!

Toriel:How? You're still alive and here!

Y/N:Me and Chara went to a different timeline where we were evil, we got their soul and here we are!

Toriel:Wouldn't there be an extra soul?

Y/N:Oh Chara absorbed it. Now she's alive too!

Toriel:Oh my! Chara!

Chara seems happy! Even tho about a hour ago she killed Frisk and almost killed me! But i believe we'll get over it.

Frisk:So,we came here to tell you that the monsters in RUINS can be free!

Toriel:You were only out there for 4 days! And you already freed the underground! Congrats!

Toriel:Thank you... Frisk , Y/N , Chara!

Toriel:You three are the best group i've seen!

Chara:Also, dad said hi...

Toriel stared with a blank stare at Chara.. It seems like Toriel and Asgore was a couple?

That'd make sense why Chara is calling Asgore dad.

Sans:Well hello there lady!

Toriel:Why hello there monster.. Do i know you, your voice seems familiar...

Sans:Dishes a very bad joke.

Toriel:OH! It's you!

Sans:Name's Sans, Sans the skeleton.

Toriel:My name is Toriel, i am the- Err... I was the caretaker of ruins..
Until now,that is.

After they finally greeted each other properly...

Sans:We'll be heading towards the thorn room, can you meet with us after you tell everyone there?

Toriel:Sure thing!

Sans:Alright, see you then!

We went back to the thorn room, waiting fir everyone to notice thst we're free. . . And then...

Flowey:You guys are gonna leave me here?

Sans:No? You can just come after us you little weed.

Flowey ran away after the embarassing moment that he had, and the moment finally arrived!

Asgore absorbed the 7 human souls, and broke the barrier.

I can finally see the sunlight.. After all this time...!

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