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*Toriel starts a BATTLE*

Toriel:''See that heart,my child? That is your soul. Your culmination of being.''

Toriel:''There are different types of souls, such as Frisk's soul. It's a DETERMINATION type of soul''

Toriel:''Souls have different traits too,Frisk's being KINDNESS,which boosts her DETERMINATION''

Y/N:''I have no clue what mine is''

 Toriel:''It looks like your soul is a CURIOSITY type, which i haven't seen one since the war.''

Toriel:''And by the looks of it, your trait is OVERCOME. Since you asked us to teach you,Came after Frisk,which means you OVERCOMEd your fears!''

Toriel:''Now, in a battle. There are 4 options that you could choose to do.FIGHTing,which i do not recommend.A-''


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Toriel:''Umm,sort of. Like i said, ACTing, and yes flirting can be a part of ACTing''

 Like i said, ACTing, and yes flirting can be a part of ACTing''

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Toriel:''Then you have ITEMs.Which even the regular food items can be used as a healing source''

Which even the regular food items can be used as a healing source''

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Toriel:''And lastly,MERCY''

Toriel:''And Frisk,why don't you explain how ACTing works?''

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Toriel:''And Frisk,why don't you explain how ACTing works?''

Frisk:''Acting can change from personality to personality,basically think of it as TALKing,you ACT to become friends with your enemy,or at least setting peace with your enemy.''

Frisk:''And if you're succesful at acting,then your enemy will spare you,since they won't wanna fight anymore.''

Toriel:''Excellent job my child.''

Toriel:''Now let me show you what an ATTACK is''

Toriel:''All you have to do is basically NOT touching those balls of fire, however if the ATTACK that your enemy did is GREEN, it means either A,you need to touch it to complete an act of your choice.Or B, the enemy is shooting healing bullets at you.Now here, dodge this''

Toriel sent out a singular fireball moving at me very.... slowly.

*I dodged*

Toriel:''Excellent,now i'd like to see you ACTing.So try and get Frisk to spare you!''

*Frisk's waiting for your ACT*


🖤Gift                    *Flirt

*Rock paper scissors

You took an item out of your bag and gifted it to Frisk.They seemed happy and flattered

Frisk:''MY HAIR COMB! Thank you Y/N!!''

*Frisk is sparing you*



*You won!

You won 0 exp and 0 gold!

Frisk:''Thank you Y/N!''

Y/N:''Wait did i do it?''

Toriel:''Yes my child you did it,and you did it excellent.As if you did this before.''

Y/N:''Well i sorta did,I had gifted that hair comb to Frisk the first time we met.''

Toriel:''Wow you really are a kind one,im relieved.''

Y/N.''Well this battling thing sure is tiring.''

Toriel:''Well then you'll be suprised when we get inside then''

Y/N:''Why? Oh no i think i know why''

Frisk just screamed ''THE PIE!!!'' and rushed in with excitement.

Toriel followed her whilst giggling.

I were gonna go inside,but a frog said something to me.... Weird.Strangely,even tho i have no idea what it's saying.Then it started to speak english,weird... really weird.

*Ribbit,ribbit (Human my name is Froggit,and i had been watching you three from over there,but they forgot to tell you something.Sometimes acting might now work,nor sparing.At those times you can LOWER the enemies HP by ATTACKing them,that will also make it so that they don't wanna fight.''

I thanked Froggit,and went inside the home.

Wow,today really was something. I even had the feeling for it.

The smell was so beatiful that I. CAN'T. RESIST.Screw politeness! 

I took some of the stuff out of my backpack,chips,chocolates,etc.

Frisk was inhaling the pie. WOW.

She must've not eaten anything.

After a while i decided to go to the bed.

Frisk agreed with me and then, we went to sleep.

Frisk:''Today sure was something huh Y/N?''

Y/N:''It sure was,even a frog named Froggit talked to me about ATTACKing''

Frisk:''Whoah,i couldn't understand what that frog said,how did you??''

Y/N:'' I don't know honestly,lets just sleep if possible''

Frisk:''Ok one last thing,did you really came all the way here to find me?''

Y/N:''Of course! You're the only person that i have in my life.Also i can't just ditch you anyway''

Y/N:''I wasn't originally planning to fall down here but, y'know... them bullies.

Frisk:''I see.. Thanks for the comb by the way! I'm really flattered, I for sure thought you'd flirt with me instead of gifting me''

Y/N:''Don't make this weird dummy''

Frisk:''Ok ok'' said Frisk while blushing secretly

Sooner or later about 3 minutes i realised Frisk was already asleep,so naturally,i closed my eyes once more,and this time without any stress i went to sleep.Hopefully.

???:''✋︎ ☠︎ ❄︎ ☜︎ ☼︎ ☜︎ 💧︎ ❄︎ ✋︎ ☠︎ ☝︎ 📬︎ 📬︎ 📬︎''

???:''❄︎☼︎🕆︎☹︎ ✡︎ ✋︎ ☠︎ ❄︎ ☜︎ ☼︎ ☜︎ 💧︎ ❄︎ ✋︎ ☠︎ ☝︎ 📬︎ 📬︎ 📬︎''

???:''✋︎❄︎ 💧︎☜︎☜︎💣︎💧︎ ☹︎✋︎😐︎☜︎ 💣︎✡︎ ☜︎✠︎🏱︎☜︎☼︎✋︎💣︎☜︎☠︎❄︎ ☟︎✌︎👎︎ 🕈︎⚐︎☼︎😐︎☜︎👎︎''

Y/N:''Is anyone here?''


You heard a soft girls voice saying ''Just him, me and you''

You suddenly woke up, again you had sweated a lot.So you quickly changed your clothings.

Whilst everyone was asleep.

And went back to bed,hoping to understand what those voices were or why they were there.

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