Hidden in the Shadows

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The guard rushed through the entrance to the Mirkwood realm. He swiftly made haste to the throne room. Important news had just been given him and he dared not delay. All of Mirkwood knew of the king's wrath and easily provoked temper.

As the ornate yet durable doors opened, the messenger entered to deliver the news. For a moment, he caught his breathe before bowing. "My lord," he panted, "I have urgent news from the southern border."

Thranduil looked up from his lap where his son was snuggled up to him. He quickly tried to push Legolas off upon seeing the distraught look on the elf's face.

"Legolas, go play." Thranduil gave him an encouraging pat on his head. The little elfling was confused. Just a moment ago, his ada was laughing at a joke he had acted out but now he seemed angry. Legolas knew to not disobey. He nodded his head and scooted off the smooth silky robes his father wore.

As he walked out, the small elfling decided that it wasn't fair to always have to leave when his ada had important things to discuss. He was a big elfling now and thought that he was old enough to know what was going on. Carefully, he went around to the back entrance that only several elves knew about. From there, he could remain unseen and still listen in.

Thranduil readjusted slowly, "Why...did you interrupt me when I was with my son?" he said in a dark voice.

"My lord, I...I'm sorry. I thought you should know right away way."

"All right, then tell me. Don't keep me waiting."

"The patrol at the Southern borders told me that an army of orcs have attacked. An elf barely managed to get away to tell me. They need reinforcements right away." The messenger braced himself for the king's response.

Thranduil stood up. His knuckles turned white from the tight fists he made. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, sir. I saw from a distance part of the battle."

"How can this be? I was supposed to be warned way ahead of any battle or danger!" The king began shouting. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Because of your hesitation or clumsiness or whatever it is, more elves will die! DId you not think of the consequence?"

"But my lord-" The elf was not expecting this at all.

"Stop!" The king roared. "No excuses! Go now and alert more elves to prepare for battle! We will leave in two hours!"

"Yes, your majesty." The elf bowed, relieved.

"And Darion, I will deal with you later."

Legolas was shocked. He had never seen his ada talk like that before to anyone eccept for Melhonin. He had assumed that it was just because he had been hurt. The surprised elfling sucked in a breathe to keep from crying. He had never realized how scary his ada really was. "Hiccup...!" From holding in his breathe, Legolas accidentally let out a barely audible squeak.

Instantly, Thranduil turned around to behind his throne. Legolas slightly backed away from the door quietly.

"Who's there?" Thranduil searched the back wall until his eyes stopped on the door. Realization hit him. "Legolas...? Are you there, ion nin?"

Only a small sob answered.

"Little Leaf? Come out here please." Thranduil walked nearer to the door. It gently creaked open as a small form slipped through. Legolas peered up at the tall king with tear stained eyes. "Man carel le, Legolas?" (What are you doing)

"Uh...nothing..." Another hiccup jostled his small form.

"Where you listening the whole time?" Thranduil bent down to his son's level.

"Tancave..." Legolas wiped his eyes trying to be tough.

Thranaduil released a frustrated breathe, "Ion nin, goheno nin... (My son, forgive me) I should have not become so angry." The king reached to pick up Legolas.

Legolas hesitated and backed away, shaking his head. Thranduil drew back his arms at the rejection. "Ion nin, what's wrong?"

"Im gosta." (I'm afraid)

"Legolas, please, don't be afraid."

"Do you have to go?" Legolas didn't want to lose his ada like he had lost his grandparents and mother.

"Yes...but avo 'osto. (fear not) I will come home, ion nin."

Legolas , realizing that his ada still loved him, rushed towards him, arms open. They sat there, embracing eachother for a couple of minutes before the guard rushed back in.

"Everyone is preparing, my lord."

"Good, go to my chambers. I will be there in a moment to get my armor on. Have it ready. Also, along the way stop in the kitchen and find Marion. Tell her to come here."

"Yes, sir."

Thranduil started to pull away. "No! Don't go!" Legolas begged into his ada's shirt.

"I have to go and lead our warriors. They need a leader, Legolas."

"Then promise me that you will come home." Legolas sternly asked.

"Little Leaf, I promise that I will return to you. I will be back." Thranaduil promised. He sucked in a deep breathe so as not to cry. In truth, he didn't know if he would come back. The elf made it seem like there were many orcs. Nothing was for certain.

Legolas sobbed uncontrollably, "Oh...okay..." He hesitated before letting go. Thranduil gently wiped his tears before standing up. "Marion will watch over you while i'm gone, okay? You remember her, right? She's very nice."

"Uh huh." the forlorn elfling nodded.

Just then, Marion walked into the grand room. She bowed, "My lord, you called?"

"Yes, I must leave to help the elves at the Southern borders. Please watch over Legolas and take care of him while i'm away."

"Of course." Marion smiled at Legolas. Then, Thranduil walked to the door.

A small call caused him to stop. "Wait!" Legolas shouted. Thranduil turned around. "Calo anor na ven, Adar." (May the sun shine on your road, Father)

Thranduil smiled, "Hebo estel."(have hope) Finally, he turned towards the door and exited. Father and son mourned to be seperated even for a small time. It would be a difficult time that lay ahead of them.

OOOOH! What's gonna happen next???? HAHA....JK! I already know:p So Sorry that I haven't updated in a while! I have had partial writer's block this week so please bear with me while I work through it. Thanks, mellon nins! Also, if you vote, follow, or comment...I will like love you forver! Please don't be a ghost follower! I want to know your opinions:)


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