Camping Beneath the Stars

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"Daro, Pen tithen." (Stop, Little one) the maid instructed Legolas when he continued to squirm in the bath, spewing bubbles and water all around.

He giggled and squashed some more bubbles between his fingers.

"Pen tithen. Lasta-na nin!" (Little one. Listen to me) the maid huffed and reached for Legolas once more, getting slightly wet in the process. She rolled her eyes inwardly and rolled up her sleeves farther, hoping to avoid getting more water on them.

Legolas scooped up another handful of bubbles, the vague scent of lavender and leaves drifting into the air. He swung his arm around, letting the tiny, soapy circles float off into the air. He splashed around some more, not paying attention to the maid in the slightest.

"Hîr nin, lasto!" (My lord, listen) The maid made one more attempt to get the unruly elfling in control.

Still, he played with the bubbles and water.

With a huff, the maid reached forward one more time and grabbed onto Legolas' arm, gently yet firmly pulling him towards her end of the tub.

Finally, Legolas calmed down slightly and looked at the maid, "Tancave?" (Yes) he asked innocently, oblivious to her frustration.

She sighed in relief and told him to hold still while she washed his hair. He tried a little harder to obey, but wasn't entirely successful. He squirmed right as she was scrubbing some special soap into his hair and some of it plopped right down into his eye.

He squealed and clamped his eye shut tightly, rubbing his eye vigorously with his wet hands. "It stings!" He cried.

The maid pursed her lips and grabbed a nearby towel, telling him to move his hands so she could wipe it off. She gently pressed the towel across his closed eye and held it there for a moment.

Legolas pulled it off and slowly opened his eye, testing to see if it hurt anymore.

"Man mathach?" (How do you feel) she asked calmly.

"Im maer." (I'm well) The elfling responded, blinking several times.

"Goheno nin, Hir Legolas." (Forgive me, lord Legolas) the maid apologized, feeling guilty.

"It's okay." Legolas smiled, "My eye is all better." He turned to show her, pointing to the eye in case she couldn't figure out which one it was, even though the eye that had gotten hit was slightly pink around the edges from him rubbing it so vigorously.

The maid nodded with a smile and finished washing his silky locks, careful not to get anymore soap into his eyes.


After helping him dry off and get dressed, the maid led him out into his room and pulled out a satchel from his closet. She then proceeded to pull out tunics, leggings, and other items of clothing for Legolas.

He ran over to her and began pulling out random items of clothing too before stuffing them into the bag. It was quickly filling up and before long there was no more room for the things that she had pulled out. She didn't want to hurt Legolas' feelings so instead, she sent him back to the bathroom to brush his damp hair.

When he had disappeared into the steamy room, she hurried pull out the unwanted articles of clothing and stuffed them into the corner of the closet, vowing to fold them later. Then, she placed the nearly folds clothes she had picked out into the bag. With a click, she hooks the clasp on the bag and set it aside.

My Little Greenleaf ~ Little LegolasTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon