Part 9: Theres A First For Everything ⚠️underage drinking and sex [not smut]⚠️

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"Hey max wanna come hang out with me and El later it will be fun"
"You know I can't say no to hanging out with El"
"I am slightly offended "
"Or you obviously "

Will pushed his friends head

"So see u at 7?"
"I'll be there"
When max arrived she was worried. This was the first time she would be seeing Jane since everything had happened.She felt like she had forgotten how to act around her. And none of it even had to do with her. Every time Max even thought about Her she got butterflies.
Eleven opened the door before Max even had a chance to knock.

"Max your here" she said smiling at her beautiful red headed friend
"Yea I'm here" Max said blushing Eleven was staring at her like she was the only thing in the world Eleven began to move closer to Maxes face

"Max your here" Will said pushing his sister over to get to Max

What would've happened if Will hadn't cut in would her and El had kissed?No it can't be Eleven didn't like her she wasn't like Max she was like Skylar and every other girl in her grade.

„Yea im here" Max said sheepishly she felt bad that she had almost made a move on El when she knew Eleven didn't like her back.

„Come in" El said quickly almost as if she was trying to stop herself from saying something else

"Okay" Max walked into the house and sat her purse on the coat rack

"Umm you look really pretty today Max"

"Thanks El" Max was blushing Hard

Will looked at his sister than Max then his sister again he had to do something it couldn't be like this all evening
"Who wants alcohol?"
"Oh Umm sure" Max said breaking her eye contact with Eleven

Will went over too His Dads old Wine freezer that hadn't been removed and pulled out a few bottles of Assorted wines and alcoholic beverages such as beer then proceeded to open a cabinet and take out a bottle of vodka

"Take your pick" he said gesturing at the many bottles of alcohol he had sat on the counter Both Joyce and Jonathan had left for a work trip leaving Eleven and Will to themselves for the weekend.

"Will I don't think this is a smart Idea" Eleven chimed in Eleven had never drunk before and was very hesitant to.

"It will be fine El just get drunk and live life for once"

"To far" Max said giving will the death stair but Eleven then walked up to the counter and chugged a beer

"Eww who drinks this shit"

"Honestly I don't know"

"I'm gonna turn on a movie " El said still trying to get the taste out of her mouth

"Let's play truth or drink" Max chimed in

"Oooo good idea" Will said happily "let's use the vodka for this we need the strong shit"

"Alright" Max said walking up to the counter and grabbing the bottle

Max and will sat down

"El" max said "you joining us?"

"Yea sure" Eleven sat down nervously

"You go first" Will gestured at El

"Okay ummmm" she looked between max and Will trying to think of something "max who do you like?"

Max paused for a second frozen then picked up the bottle and chugged

"Will what are you most afraid of" max asked Will still holding the bottle

"People not accepting me " Will said softly

The game went on for a few more hours Will almost always answered the questions Eleven and Max however had avoided answering most questions which resulted in them both being completely drunk by the end of the game

"Okay well I'm gonna go to bed night guys" Will said leaving the two girls standing in the kitchen drunk on their own

"El" Max Said


"Your very pretty"

"Your very pretty too Max"

Max leaned in and kissed Eleven and Eleven kissed her back but they weren't only kissing they were making out

Maybe She does like me back Max thought

⚠️Sex⚠️She put her hands on Els waist and swiftly moved her over to the wall near the island in the kitchen before pushing her into it with her body.
She then kissed El deeper picking her up and sitting her on top of the island removing her shirt then helping El remove hers. She unclapsed her own bra before going to unclasp Els. she hesitated "El do you want to do this because once you do you can't" Eleven kissed max and unclasped her bra  " I'm sure "
Max took off Elevens shorts before unbuttoning and removing her own jeans. Then she took off her underwear .
„Are you 100% sure"
„I am 100% sure max" Eleven said removing her underwear and dropping them on the floor.
Max kissed Eleven passionately then kissed her neck before kissing her way down Els body.

(And I'm gonna end this part here cause I don't wanna write smut but you get the point I was going for)

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