Part 7:The unexpected friend

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The next couple days we're hell for Max. She was skipping school and was feeling sicker than ever but the more she skipped school the lower her grades had gotten.

The school called home but no body cared and her mom was always at the bar ,to drunk to care about anything or anyone.

After a long time she decided to go to the skate park that always made her feel better not today Instead it made her feel worse.

She wished she was with Jane.

"Hey...can I sit here"

"Will? Of course you can but what are you doing here"

"Well I know you always say going to the skate park makes you feel better and I just wanted to try it out"

"What do you need to feel better about?"

"Well um you remember how I told you guys that I don't have romantic feelings for girls"

„I do" max replied "what about it?"

„Brad Called me a slur"

„That bitch"

Will pushed his friends body jokingly.

„Max I know he called you a slur too"

Max closed her eyes a took a deep breath.

„Yea he did"

„Why do people hate us?"

„what do you mean?"

„I mean call us slurs and stuff we can't help it"

„Cant help what will we didn't do anything"

„We cant help that we're attracted to the same gender we are" Will replied calmly

„Why would you think that I'm-„

„I know you are max"

„How do you know that?"

„I can just tell"



„Okay okay"

„Just like I can tell your In love with my sister"

"What did you just say"

" I Said I know that your in love with Eleven"

" why would you call her that"

"Call her what?"

„Eleven were supposed to be calling her Jane"

„I dont want to it's just not the same"

„I know that but I don't care we call her Jane and we keep her safe"

„Okay Fine"

„ Alright good" max replied to her new unexpected friend „Oh and DONT Tell anyone about this"

"I wouldn't ...ever"


"Max can I tell you something?"

"Sure the floor is yours"

"I'm in love with Mike"

„OH wow Umm does anyone else know"

„No and don't tell anyone especially Mike"

„I won't ... oh and don't tell anyone about Jane either. Okay?"


Max smiled and they continued talking until the sun set and will had to go home. Both making a new unexpected friend that day.

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