Part 8: "Im not okay"⚠️they talk about self harm and eating disorders⚠️

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Max sat on her bed looking at the drawings Will had handed her
"What's this one supposed to mean?" She asked holding up a drawing of a flower with falling petals
"I don't know it's just a flower"
"Nothing you draw is ever just a thing they always have some sort of hidden meaning."

"They do not"
"Yes they do you drew a bottle of tears the other day to represent your emotions"
"That's umm irrelevant and it wasn't to represent my emotions it was just a bottle of tears"
"You wrote on the back of it like a diary entry basically describing what it stood for"

"Well I uh... Fuck you"

"No thanks I would prefer your sister to." Max replied calmly not realizing what she had just said

Will just stood there with his mouth wide open
„Wow Max wow"
„wait Did I just say that out loud"
They both started dying of uncontrollable laughter

„Hey can I go raid your fridge I'm hungry"
„Sure but if my mom comes home hide or she'll take it the wrong way"
„Max you know I'm gay"
„Well she doesn't"
„Oh Yea i forgot"
„Yea stupid" Max Said flicking him on the head
Max laughed at his pain
„You want something" will asked before leaving the room

„Nah I'm not hungry"
„You sure I haven't seen you eat all day"
„Yea im sure im just not hungry right now"
„Okay „he said disappearing down the hallway

⚠️they are talking about self harm and eating disorders ⚠️
When he returned he had two popsicles a coke and a water bottle
„Here" He Said handing Max a popsicle and a water bottle
"I already told you I'm not hungry " she said pushing his hand back
„Fine" will said not wanting to push her any farther

It was cold in Maxes house so,over top of his long sleeve shirt he put on a sweater accidentally making the sleeves roll up and quickly pulling them down.
„Roll up your sleeves „ Max said noticing something off about her friends arm
„Because I think I saw something just do it please"
„ No I don't want to I still don't understand why you want me too"
„Because I'm worried about you Will just do it"
„No I don't want to"
„Will... "Max said in a shaky voice "are you hurting yourself?"
„No" he replied as quick as possible
„You are" max said softly
„I just said I'm not"
„Yea well I can tell when your lying Will"

„Your hurting yourself too Max"
„No I'm not" she said confused
„Yes you are" will said"maybe not the same way I am but you still are I haven't seen you eat anything in 4 days"
„I ate yesterday" Max said nervously
„What did you eat?"
„I ate an orange"
„That's not enough"
„I know but I'm just not hungry I'm not going to eat when I have no appetite"

„Don't do that"
„Do you have an eating disorder?"
„That's not what it Sounds like"
„Well I don't okay"
„No not okay"
„What why!?"
„Because your lying"
„I am not"
„Yes you are even if you don't know it yet"

„You don't know anything about me"
„I know enough Max"
„How would you even know what an eating disorder is?"
„I suffered from one when I was younger" will said looking down at his feet"when my dad left my mental health dropped really bad"
"Oh I didn't know"
"Clearly" he said pulling up his sleeve with tears in his eyes "it's not the best right now either but I'm trying okay so please try too"

"Will believe me I am"
"And I do believe you I really do but I'm still really worried"
"Your worried? Will you have fucking cuts all over your arms"
"Im getting better Max I swear but it's hard!"

"When did it start?"
"It started again after I heard what Brad said"
Max closed her eyes and took three deep breaths
"That's when It started for me too"
" the eating disorder"she replied "it started after Brad called me a slur at the party and got worse after something happened with Josh"
"Something happened with Josh?" Will replied nervously "what happened?"
"It's nothing he just doesn't know what the word No means"

"Did he do something to you" will asked anxiously his heart beating faster and faster as he worried about what happened to his friend
"He tried But I hit him and left"
"Holy shit are you okay?"
"No Will clearly im not okay"
"Right sorry stupid question"
"It's not stupid "
"It's not?"
"No and neither are you honestly your the best friend I have"
"Better than El?"
"Yea... better than El"

"I know where supposed to be calling her Jane but It's different "
"I know"
" I don't get why we have to protect her"
"Because there are bad people out there that want to hurt her and let's face it none of us would survive if she was gone" Max said not even wanting to think about that
"That's true"

"Hey max" Will said softly
„Your helping by the way"
„ with what?"
„The cuts" he said"your helping „
„I am?"
„Yea It's gotten better since you came along"
„Will that means so much to me"
The two friends smiled at each other

„Wanna Watch the tv?" Max Said
„Of course" Will smiled

(Just in case anyone takes this the wrong way it's not a date it's just them watching the tv together Will is gay and Max is in love with his sister also this takes place months after the previous part)

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