Chapter Five

104 24 21

Dedicated to Martinazttt❤️

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do. - Hebrews 4:12‭-‬13 (KJV)

 - Hebrews 4:12‭-‬13 (KJV)

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Aissssh, Tutu. You just had to put your foot in your mouth. 

I was just joking na. It was his fault that everything got awkward. I had to de-escalate the situation by becoming a person with "crazy tendencies". 

She sighed as she watched him leave the compound. What could she do for him to see them as perfect for each other?

She had no ideas now but she knew something would come to her. 

Why did he want to keep everything light and friendly between them when there had never been anything light and friendly about their interactions? Even from the beginning. 

She remembered the first time they met. It was during Tayo's wedding to Doubra before she died. She had seen him moving up and about during the wedding. 

"Tutu, please help me check my necklace. I feel like it's getting hooked around the neckline of my blouse." 

Tutu had her ears close to Mama's lips as she whispered to her. Mama, that was what she called Olórí Yetunde, her mum. 

"Okay, Mama." 

As she moved to check the neckline, she saw someone lie prostrate to greet her father who was seated on the high table along with the queens and the bride's parents. When he stood, she couldn't take her eyes off him. His hair was a bit bushy but well kept, his facial features well arranged on his face as if God had spent a few extra seconds ensuring that everything was in place, and he was just the perfect height. For her. 

For her? Babe, slow down. She thought.

But she continued staring. As if he could feel someone's eyes on him, he turned in her general direction and she watched as his eyes flitted about till they settled to meet hers. 

Everyone else might have been oblivious to it but she saw it. His sharp intake of air and his micro-mini stagger backwards. 

Good. We both feel it. She thought. 

He smiled at her and continued his sideways greeting of the folks on the high table. He got to where her Mama was seated and he greeted her with all smiles. She followed him with her eyes till he left too. She didn't even know what side of the family he was from. He was vacillating between the two sides of the hall and greeting everyone in sight, ensuring they had enough food, water and the likes. 

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