Chapter Two

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Dedicated to _plethora❤️

Except the LORD build the house, They labour in vain that build it: Except the LORD keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain. - Psalm 127:1 (KJV)

 - Psalm 127:1 (KJV)

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"We are sorry, ma'am. This office space isn't available at the moment," the agent said with a haughty tone. 

"Then, why is it empty? Do you plan to make this your place of abode?"

Tutu watched as he spluttered and gyrated in an invisible semicircle at her sarcasm. Sometimes, she just couldn't help herself and that side of her always peeked out whether she wanted it to or not. At the moment though, she felt it was needed. With a wicked smile for added effect, she lowered her huge dark-coloured designer sunglasses. 

She knew the exact moment he recognized her. His eyes widened into almost saucers and his tune changed. He began to mention even more luxurious office spaces in the area while also offering to take her there.

With a cold glare that could make anyone shiver and do her bidding, she said, "I want this one."

She twirled, leaving the man to his devices as she continued to envision where each sewing equipment, mannequin, shelves and every other thing needed would be. 

As soon as the agent left to put finishing touches to the sale, Tutu heard Posi, who had gone to check out the other rooms in the space, before she saw her. Her sister-in-love's newly acquired waddling gait needed to be studied. Posi still managed to walk briskly but the shuffling sound she made couldn't be masked. 

"You sure know how to get what you want." 

The two giggled. 

Of course. I can make anything mine once I set my mind to it.  

This was Adetutu Ajike Sijuade's mantra. Posi had gone back into the Sequoia jeep that brought them while she stood with her back to one of the noisiest and busiest streets of Lagos as she assessed the gigantic building before her through her sunglasses. 

This is good. Just like Father said when He created everything. She chuckled.

Being the first princess of the ruling king of the kingdom of Igbohon, she was accustomed to the finer and most exquisite things of life. Struggling or hustling was not a word she was familiar with and it showed in her graceful carriage and conduct. However, when things didn't go her way, she fought with everything in her to have it, including people. 

Her thoughts flitted to one particular person as she opened the passenger door and clambered inside. She signaled to Moses, the driver cum bodyguard, and he nodded. She rested her head against the window and sighed. 

Being born royalty had more perks than disadvantages, and she was grateful for it. 

In all these, Adetutu wasn't a spoiled child. Her parents had made sure of it. It was her brothers that babied her so much that even her mums told her they wished they grew up with such loving brothers. 

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