In which Gerard is a homosexual puddle of feelings.

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Gerard's POV:
<night after the game IE Monday morning>
God,Frank told me I looked hot.
Maybe he is gay,
Or maybe he is just nice,
But if he was just being nice he wouldn't have said 'hot'
AHHHH, he was just so cute and distracting....
"God, it's 9:40. I have art class in 20 minutes!" I mutter. Pulling on a jacket and getting up to look at the tragic birds nest that is my hair.
It really needs a wash...
Or dry shampoo.
I reach for a can and spray the stuff all over my head...fu*k it smells bad...
But hey
I look hot.
Guess who called me hot.
"NO MORE DISTRACTIONS!" I say a little too loudly to myself. This is why I shouldn't have a roommate.
Time check- 9:50. Time to go.
I grab my sketchbook and pencils,pulling a stack of newspaper from above them as I do so, "I'll use the paints down there" and go, locking my door behind me.
<in class>
"Okay, time to sketch your muses!" say my teacher, and I forget. Sh*t I was meant to have a picture or image someone I could do a photographic sketch of.....damn you Frank. Distracting me with your cute face and silly words.
I'll just use Frank.
"Gerard." My teacher says, rolling the 'r's I'm my name obnoxiously, handing me a sheet of paper. "Draw,"
"No thanks miss, I prefer to keep things in my sketch book."
She glared, "Do you have a smock?"
"Errr,no." Why would I have a smock?I am messy. May as well embrace it.
"Hmmm, would want to get paint on your jacket." She flicked me sleeve with her pencil. How dare she contaminate it. Frank liked it and know she has tainted it. B*tch.
I glared but she had moved on to terrorize the next student in French.
Getting other my pencils I decided to do a portrait of Frank, just his face and maybe the metal to the fence around he football stadium. Yeah,that will be god. I can focus on his cute face.....stop it Gerard! No more boyfriends!

I start to sketch, starting with his jaw, if decided to do him yelling at the teams, so his mouth is open and his eyes are gonna be all scrunched up. He got a really cute wrinkle in his nose every time he yelled.....

<after class>

Gerard's POV
I'm almost done with the sketch, I might do another, less detailed one, just so I get the shading down before I paint directly on it.
I check the clock
It's passed mid day and I haven't needed a coffee.
I still want one but I've found something else to keep me up and out.
Maybe I'll even tidy up.
I'm not feeling that good.
But I have some money up my sleeve now.
Maybe I can sell another painting to add to that.
Maybe my "Green Team" painting, of the green superhero changing things back to trees.
Unless I lost it.
I need a filing cabinet.
But I'm starting to be able to afford one.
This is a pretty good day.
I can't wait for the game.

<preparing for the game IE: the following Sunday night>
Gerard's POV
I have been looking forward to this all week!
I hope Frank's not sick or gonna bail.
I can just leave.
I pull on my jacket, the one I wore last week. The one Frank said I looked hot in.
Alright, time to head down and wish Mikey well.
Mikey is sitting with his team mates. A few are jocks I board with. I prefer to board than stay at home with Mikey, anyway, it's part of my scholarship.
I cough, "Hey Mikey!"
He turns "Gerard! You came down again?"
"One more game."
"Thank you."
I feel bad. I did come to see Frank but Mikey seems so happy that I'm here it support him. We grew up really close, and I'm so glad he comes each Sunday to play, even if I don't see him. I won't tell him I'm here to see Frank, I might even cheer.
I hug him as the familiar green and yellow van pulls up to the oval. Again, not in the parking lot, no respect for lawns.
Suddenly I'm nervous, but it's too late to run. And I'd regret it. And Frank would never talk to me again. And I would hate that. I mean, like as friends I'd miss him.......
"Helloooo my dear Gerard!" Frank calls as he leaps out of the van and onto my back. I cough on impact but grab his legs and push him up so he can see over my shoulders.
"Hello, Frankie!" I say, trying to match his playful tone.
"Your awfully strong Gee!" He says from my back. Gee. I like that. I don't think I've ever had a nickname that wasn't like 'Getard' or 'Wrong Way'. I really like it.
" Let's see," I call and start to walk us up to our spot on the top row of the bleachers.
"Ride away, my noble steed!" He says, chuckling.
I manage to get up to the bleacher without dying. Just.I'm not as fit as Mikey, that's for damn sure.
"Well that was impressive." Frank says, slipping down from my back and standing next to me,
"Huh, I can't hear you over the sound of my lungs collapsing." I wheeze dramatically, causing Frank to giggle. He's got the cutest giggle, he draws his chin in and blushes...
The whistle blows and we sit down. Frank is noticeably closer to me than last time, he's so cute............and I can't decide whether he's gay or not. He called me hot.
"Ooh, look Mikey's starting out with the ball." I say pointing to my brother, standing in the middle of the oval.
Frank just smiles at me, he looks like he's thinking, not just waiting to find something to fill the silence.
The whistle blows again and Mikey throws the ball, brilliantly.
Frank's still smiling.
"Sorry, I don't normally get so excited over football. I'm just proud."
"Don't worry. I called Marcus a flower too many times last week." Frank chuckled as he spoke. Cutie.

Simple Concept . (Frerard Fluff) COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora