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I look down at Ace, he was aggressively shivering in my bed. He looked more and more snakelike every time I looked at him.

"Venom.."he moans.

I look down at the only 4 syringes I had left.

"It hurts..venom.."he moans.

I huff as I pick up one of them, walking over and injecting it directly into a vein, hoping it would last longer.

He hisses and then releases a labored breath, his forked tongue flicking in and out of his mouth.

"I'm so sorry you're in pain."I say softly.

He doesn't respond. He suddenly, slowly opens his hand and I smile as I place my hand in his and he squeezes slightly.

"I love.. you.."he says softly.

I smile again as I place a kiss against his sweaty forehead.

"I love you too."I say.

Suddenly I hear my bedroom door open and I look over, seeing Cain.

"Hi mommy. Hi uncle Ace."he says.

Ace slowly open his eyes and smiles a fanged smile at Cain.

"Hi buddy."he says, weak and breathless.

"Are you okay uncle Ace?"Cain asks, waddling over.

"I'm okay Cain. How's my favorite little caveman?"he asks softly.

Cain then flexes his muscles and we both chuckle, complimenting his bulging neanderthal biceps.

"Look at you. You're gonna be so much stronger than uncle Ace when you grow up."Ace says, starting to nod.

"Are you okay?"Cain asks.

It seemed like ace was breathless, but he smiles nonetheless, holding out his two palms to Cain, and Cain takes the initiative and gives Ace a double high five, 10 fingers.

Ace's smile dies down a little, and his eyes close as he falls asleep.

I huff, running my fingers through what remained of his hair and hadn't turned into scales.

"Okay, I think we should let uncle Ace rest a little."I say, carefully getting up.

"I thought the medicine was making him better? I want uncle Ace to be better mommy."Cain says, gripping my hand as I walk him out of the room.

I see Hades still standing in the same spot, doing some sort of God Idle mode, looking straight up at the ceiling with white eyes.

"I want uncle age to be better too baby."I say.

Cain yawns and rubs his eyes as I bring him into the kitchen.

"How about a peanut butter sandwich?"I ask with a smile.

"With no crusts."he says.

"Of course m'lord."I say.

I chuckle as I begin to prepare the sandwich. I nearly scream as Hades walks out of the other room.

"Make it a double."he huffs, sitting down at the bar next to Cain and dropping his head in his hands.

"Alright, two crustless peanut butter sandwiches."I say.

"What? You have something stronger than peanut butter right?" He questions.

"Not in this household."I say, smirking as I sit a sandwich down in front of him.

"Bloody human food."he grumbles as I cut the crusts off and then cut it in half.

I do the same thing for Cain and he chuckles excitedly.

"To think I could be drinking the blood of the damned, it's stronger than peanut butter."Hades says, picking up half of the sandwich.

"It's a comfort."I say, smiling as I lean against the counter.

Cain chuckles, looking over at Hades as they both eat the sandwiches.

"Your kind of cute for the son of Satan."Hades says.

"Son of who?"Cain asks.

"Son of mine, Cain. I love you so much."I say, cupping his cheeks.

Me smiles as I swipe the peanut butter from the corner of his mouth.

"You're a good mother, Alice."Hades says.

I look over to him and he was looking down at his sandwich.

"I can hear your thoughts sometimes. I know you think you're not the best at this parenting thing. But given your circumstances, you're doing very well."

My lips quiver and I quickly look away before I begin to tear up.

"Thank you, Hades."I say.


"Mommy, are you worried about me?"Cain asks.

"Of course not. Why would I be worried about such a brave boy."i say, tucking him in under his covers.

"Well, you looked..scared, when I threw the man. I don't like that I scare you."he says.

"I'm not scared of you baby, I know you're special. You're just, more special that I expected you to be. But I'm fine with that. I love you so much."I say, kissing his forehead.

"I love you too mommy."Cain says softly.


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