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Ace huffs, holding Cain in his arms as he runs into the emergency room.

He runs up to the front desk and sets Cain down as he speaks.

"Um, Alice. Cortez, Alice Cortez."Ace says, gripping Cain's hand.

Cain looks around excitedly, he was unaware of what was going on.

He looks up admiringly at his uncle as he speaks.

Then he looks back down on the ground. He gasps as he looks under one of the receptionist desks.

He sees the spider he was introduced to at lunch.

He tugs Ace's hand.

"Uncle Ace!"he says.

"Just a second Cain."Ace says.

He directs his attention back to the spider as it begins crawling away. Cain gasps and tugs at Ace's hand again.

"Uncle Ace look! Before it gets away!"Cain says.

"Cain I'm busy damn it!"Ace snaps, making Cain jump.

"She's just in the other room, hon."The receptionist says, pointing to one of the rooms.

Ace picks up Cain and walks quietly over to the room.

Cain was still fixated on the spider as they walk into the the room.

Alice slightly opens her eyes and smiles as she sees them.

"Mommy!"Cain says, reaching for her.

Ace carefully places
Cain down on his mother's bed and she hugs him softly.

"Alice, tell me what happened."Ace says, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed.

Alice clenches her eyes closed and tears run from them.

"It was him."she says softly.

This makes Ace take a deep shaking breath.

"How do you know?"

She whimpers as he asks the question.

Then she uses her free hand to slowly pull down her hospital gown, displaying her bandaged breast. And the blood forms into a bite mark on the bandage.

"Mommy what happened?"Cain asks with concern.

"Mommy is okay. Sh-shes just hurt herself."Alice whimpers.

Ace huffs as he digs around in his pocket till he found his wallet.

"Stay here, I'll go get you something to eat."Ace says.

"N-no!"Alice says, grabbing his arm and sobbing more.

"Don't leave me."

"Okay, okay. I'll stay here."Ace says, sitting back down.

Alice lets out a sigh of relief as Ace grips her hand.


Cain wakes up from his short nap, rubbing his eyes.

He looks over to see his mother sleeping as well, and Ace asleep on the couch.

He stretches, and then hears his stomach rumble.

He rubs his belly and then slips off the bed onto the ground.

He looks around before walking over to Ace. He gently shakes Ace to wake him, but it doesn't work.

"Uncle Ace. I'm hungry."he says, shaking him more.

Ace's wallet falls from his pocket onto the floor. Cain then looks out the window of the room, seeing the candy vending machine just outside.

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