Chapter eleven

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Vanessa's point of view.

Bella and Jacob with Leah wanted to go out to catch snowflakes with Clair and Reneesmee. I told them to enjoy it and stayed until I got a message.


I need you to do me a favor!!

What is it?

I need you to do a spell that I can't do! But need to tell you in person

Okay, where?

Where ever you are just send me the location and I'm on my way.

Okay (location)

Thanks for my way.

I was reading after texting Bonnie and I heard a knock Jasper and Emmet were curious. "One of my witch friends," I said and sped to the door I opened it and Bonnie came in and hugged me I hugged her back.

"Hey Bonnie," I said and we broke the hug she looked at someone and waved I saw Carlisle. "That's Carlisle, Carlisle Bonnie she's part of my witch coven." I said and Carlisle nodded, "nice to meet you, Bonnie." Carlisle said.

"So what was the favor," I said, "okay so there's a problem dead shitty witches from the other side are trying to pass the door is kinda opened but there is a seal and so there trying to break it but the door took them a long time to open," Bonnie said.

"Why can't anybody close it," I said, "because if a regular witch does it they won't be strong enough even when you connect. But you can do it though you're stronger than you think," Bonnie said, "so once I close it." I said, "it will drain all your power and stop your heart but that won't kill you. You are half witch half vampire that means your blood will come out from your nose your heart will stop you will faint and wake up in three days depending if the person that bit you have strong venom." Bonnie said cringed not so sure about it, "what," Rose said, "yeah it sounds crazy but it's all the witches if she doesn't do it a lot of people could die so they thought well we can't do it but Vanessa can. So they know that I and Vanessa are close and they forced me," Bonnie said looking guilty, "what if the venom of the vampire that bit me isn't strong I mean it kept me half vampire half witch." I said.

"I think you won't just pass out. I think you will most likely be dead that's why I didn't want you to do it but the witches aren't giving me a choice to ask you. Unless you want to use another hybrid that will be your daughter." Bonnie said. "That sounds like a death sentence for both of them," Edward said.

"I will do it," I said, "what," Carlisle said, "I'm doing it for people and I'm doing it so Clair doesn't have to do it. She's too young and won't understand the spell I can study it in one day," I said. "she's the only choice. There's another hybrid of mean was anther hybrid," Bonnie said.

"what happened to her," Rose said. "She got in a fight with a few vampires and got her head chopped off and died," Bonnie said. "If you don't trust the venom. You can bite her after she passes out whoever's venom. She gets that's who turned her." Bonnie said, "any-how she will be out for three days and wake with red eyes though she won't be a witch no more she going to be a full vampire," Bonnie said.

They all were quiet and started thinking. "Please for the coven and for the sake of people and people who live in forks innocent people will die," Bonnie said she can sense Rose didn't care about other people but her family she cared but not so much because of how much she despised not being human herself.

"Including vampires, werewolves, they will kill anybody to get this town back," Bonnie said, "if I was stronger to do the spell I will trust me. I swear on my heart I will never use a friend in that type of way let alone let a friend die from something I can always do myself but I can't do this myself," Bonnie said. "You guys have to let me do it," I said.

We all agreed I can do it Carlisle looked hesitant about it. "When do I have to do it," I said, "tomorrow, they are opening it faster than I thought I guess dead witches are strong," Bonnie said. "Why are they opening it," Emmet said, "it was their home back then and they died in a church fire.

Along with some vampires which I think if you're a vampire don't get on a witch's bad side," Bonnie said, "I know because I have a friend that the witches don't like very much and he got a lot of magic cast on him," Bonnie said.

Bella came after Bonnie left and we explained our problem and she explained hers I was more about hers because it wasn't just hers but it was about the Denalis seeing Clair and Reneesmee and running away.

Carlisle said don't worry she's family she will come back and everything will be fine but he wanted to talk to me. He held onto my hand and we walked to his office.

We went inside his office and the others went to go hunt. Leah and Jacob were keeping Clair and Reneesmee company. He closed the door.

"I don't know about this plan," Carlisle said, "what part," I said, "the passing out part and the vampire thing what if the venom doesn't work your just going to be dead and I can't have you leaving me or Clair we haven't even got married yet," Carlisle said.

"I'm not leaving, I will come back just not a witch and I will probably be out for a few days but not forever," I said and looked at him than at the floor.

He was closer to me and hugged me. I wrapped my arms quickly around his waist and hugged him back. "Why do you have to be the hero," Carlisle said. "I don't know I just do it without realizing," I said, "you tried to die for Bella by trying to restrict her and making yourself weak using so much magic," Carlisle said. I nodded and chuckled.

I moved my head looking up and he looked at me and kissed me. I kissed back. I moved one arm putting it around his neck. I broke the kiss.

"After next week is our wedding," Carlisle said and I smiled and nodded, "won't miss it," I said. "I hope not," Carlisle said smiling and pecked my lips, "but during that plan, I will bite you when you pass out I don't know about trusting the venom of another vampire you can tell his venom ain't strong enough if his venom kept you half witch human so I will just have my venom turn you." Carlisle said and I nodded, "you have a point," I said, "so will that make me like a newborn I'm sleeping for three days and waking up with red eyes," I said Carlisle nodded.

Time skips:

Bonnie and the Cullens were here only 2 Cullens weren't here which is Reneesmee and Clair.

They both went with Leah and Jacob, Leah imprinted on Clair and Jacob imprinted on Nessie. I and Carlisle were okay with it.

Bella wasn't okay with Nessies imprint but saw it made Nessie happy so both Edward and Bella accepted the imprint.

"To do the spell you need to be in a hybrid from saying it." Bonnie said, "I've never seen it before," Emmet said chuckling, "I don't think anybody has seen it before, to be honest." Rose said. "I did but didn't take a good look at it," Carlisle said.

Anyways I helped set up the candles. "How do I just let it out," I said Sitting in the circle of sticks and harps with candles around it. "Channel something that makes you sad and angry or channel someone trying to hurt the people you care about," Bonnie said.

I'm To be continued

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