Vlog 1 of ???

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We begin this riveting new vlog series in Amberlynn's living room.

Cue Wifey throwing popcorn—from off camera—at Amberlynn's mouth. Amberlynn misses most of the popcorn but stops to say "heheheheheh BAYBEEEHHH" every 20 seconds. Then the playful mood vanishes and Amberlynn declares that she has a very serious subject to talk about—abandoned Leygos. It turns out she still has a number of Leygos to complete and uses this as part of her new found desire to become a motivational speaker with heavy handed metaphors. "Block by block, I know I can be the change I want to see in this world and in myself."

Cue sped up footage of Amberlynn hiking to the bathroom with a visible timestamp recording how long it takes her to get to the bathroom—12 minutes.

Cue scene of Amberlynn dancing while sitting down. Cue goofy up close shot of ALR making weird faces for no apparent reason. Cue Twinkie Storr in a mountain of barely used Bark box toys.

Vlog abruptly ends but Amberlynn includes a note about forgetting to include her outro screen and that she has a special guest coming for episode 2.

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