The Ultimate Trial

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It's time

As you sat alone in the girls' change room at Ground Beta, you thought about your mother and how you want to make her proud. Then, you thought about your father and how much you hate him.

Your hand unconsciously curled up into a fist.

I hate him. I hate him so much.

Suddenly, a mental image of Kirishima popped into your head. All your worries, all your spite, and all your hate faded away. What was left, was love. Not some immature adolescent form of infatuation, but a deep love. You felt calm and at peace.

Deciding to finally leave the change room, you got up and joined all your classmates outside. Mr. Aizawa was standing in front of the doors to one of the buildings.

"Listen up"

"You've all trained hard for this and I'm sure you're very eager to find out what it is that you'll be doing"

Right at the end of Mr. Aizawa's sentence, the entire UA faculty emerged from the doors behind him. All Might was wheeling a giant screen through the door.

It's almost like they rehearsed their entrance before-hand (゚ヮ゚)

Mr. Aizawa turned on the screen and there was an eruption of murmurs throughout the class.


"...they can't be serious..."

"...we're dead..."

Aizawa activated his quirk and yelled while making sure to look at each of the students in the eyes periodically.



"As I trust that none of you have any doubts about this, I will explain your challenge for today"

"Three of you will be paired with a UA faculty member. You will be given 10 minutes to deliberate amongst each other about strategy, and then you must enter the building and fight as a team. Your objective is to immobilize your assigned faculty member. You will be given capture tape should you need it, but this can be done in whatever manner you see fit."

Bakugo felt a sudden outburst of rage.


The pairings were showing on the screen that All Might rolled out.

1) Kirishima, Y/N, Mina VS. Aizawa

2) Denki, Jirou, Hagakure VS. Midnight

3) Todoroki, Aoyama, Mineta VS. Snipe

4) Deku, Uraraka, Iida VS. Gran Torino

5) Froppy, Bakugo, Shoji VS. Ectoplasm

6) Sato, Ojiro, Koda VS. Power Loader

7) Sero, Tokoyami, Momo VS. Cementoss

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