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What is a weird fact you know?

"Not sure this place is gonna be big enough." Klaus said as they walked into the banquet hall.

"I hope you're being sarcastic because there's only ten of us." Emery said as he looked around. Several tables adorned the room, decorated by more chairs- chairs that could occupy a party of fifty instead of their meager dozen.

"These things can never be big enough dearest Emerino. Even with ten people."

"This better be an open bar." Allison said bitterly. She had changed into a gorgeous teal green dress that matched her almost hateful look as she glanced around.

"Hey, come on. It's for Luther. Perk up." Lila scolded, falling short when she actually looked up. "Wow." She drew out, eyes wide as she looked at the decorative lights that shone on the walls, little jewels reflecting this way and that to appeal to the room and its magnificence.

The elevator dinged and then the groom himself was walking out. "I don't know. Normally, my tush looks good." Luther said, a nervous ball of energy as he adjusted his suit.

"Ah, I see you've gone for the oversized button-down. Original." Allison said with passive malice as the best man Viktor walked out with Luther.

"You do realize there's no paparazzi here, right?"

"What? Dang it!" Allison feigned her sadness.

"Listen to me, you two. This is my day, all right?" Luther said, coming in between before things could escalate. "So if you two can just get along for a couple of hours, you can consider that my wedding gift."

"Well, he started it, so-" Allison began.

"You literally just started it." Viktor interjected.


"Bah bah bah." Luther waved his hands around and tried to keep his composure. He lifted a finger to his chest to point to himself. "My day. Two hours. Do you think you can manage that?"

"Yeah fine." Viktor conceded.

"Thank you."

The elevator dinged again, announcing the presence of the woman herself and everyone turned expectantly, only to be blown away when the door opened and Sloane exited.

She was positvely beaming. Her smile nervous but excited as she stepped forward into the room. While everyone was looking at her in awe, she was looking at just one person. Luther.

The soon-to-be-married couple were absolutely awestruck as they smiled at each other.

"Let's get this over with before I die of cringe." Ben said, audibly rolling his eyes as he moved away and toward the chairs that had been set out before a flower-donned white archway outside.

"Someone's in a good mood." Emery muttered as they all moved to follow.

"I wonder what kind of person he is with alcohol in him." Five said, voice light and steps even lighter as they drifted forward, shoulders touching as they did.

Emery had half the mind of thought that Five was going to turn cold on him after he kissed the boy but if anything, it was like a weight had been lifted off of Five's shoulders. And now that they've finally accepted that they were all going to be dead soon, Five was just that: Five. Emery had gotten to know his favorite color of all things. A simple fact he had never realized the significance of until Five was pulling Emery close, planting a feather kiss on his lips and whispering into his ear.

It was almost like a fever dream.

Nothing around him felt real. His chest was filled with a permanent almost airy feeling as he took a seat next to Five near the back and watched Klaus get ready.

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