Chapter six

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Okaaayyyy, I'm sorry all these chapters are so short; I'll try and make them longer and more interesting :,)

Three days later everything seemed to be back to normal. Sherlock didn't seem to remember a thing; but it was all John could think about. He could still feel Sherlock's hot breath in his ear and his hips rolling into his own.

Sherlock was the same old Sherlock although he'd been sucking up to John ever since he used. He'd been making an effort to help out around the flat and even went out of his way to buy milk once.

It was nearing lunch time and John now sat in his chair, lost in a book. The title he couldn't recall, but when he picked it up from Sherlock's book shelf it seemed interesting enough that he didn't even give it a second glance. Sherlock was out (God knows where, when he informed John he was going out that morning John didn't even question it) and John was beginning to worry. Without him the flat was cold and lonely. He'd been out since eight o'clock and hadn't replied to John's texts. Since the other day, John had been keeping a closer eye on Sherlock, making sure he was okay and wasn't going to do anything stupid.

When John's phone buzzed beside him it made him jump. He put his book face on the arm rest and reached for his phone, not even looking at the caller ID before answering. He knew it would be Sherlock.

"Hello." He said pleasantly.

"John, hi. It's, uh, Lucy. From the café the other day. I don't know if you remember me." She gave a soft laugh, sounding nervous. John had almost forgotten about her. In all the drama with Sherlock his mind was in a haze and he completely forgot about the pretty girl from the café.

"Lucy, hi! How are you?" John's smile dropped because it wasn't Sherlock who called but his voice stayed almost the same. Fake and chirpy.

"I'm well thank you," her voice relaxed a fraction, "listen John, I've got a long lunch break today and I was wondering if you'd like to meet me somewhere for lunch?"

"Of course, that would be lovely." He replied without a second thought. Maybe going out would help take his mind of his crazy flatmate.

"Meet me at the same café at one thirty and we'll decide what to do from there?"

"Wonderful. I'll see you soon." He bided goodbye and canceled the call. Sitting back in his chair John looked up at the clock and sighed. He still had over an hour before he had to meet her. That meant more sitting around, thinking and worrying about Sherlock.

John decided he'd set about getting ready just for something to do. He shower and dressed slowly, shaved, put on cologne, and combed his hair. Looking at himself in the mirror John decided he looked nice enough and went to check the time again. He still had half an hour, so he read that book of Sherlock's to pass the time and once the book captured his attention he felt the time fly by and he soon realised he'd be late if he didn't leave soon.

John jumped up and put on his jacket. As he opened the door to the stair a tall man with inky curls happened to be opening it at the same time.

"Oh God I'm sorry." John yelped as he bumped into Sherlock chest almost sending them tumbling. They stood there for s moment, wide eyed and well within each other's personal space.

"John." The detective breathed, his hot breath ghosting across John's cheeks and he felt himself blush. John remembered where he was and what he was doing and quickly jumped away from the taller man.

"Where'd you run off to?" John asked running a hand through his hair.

"I went shopping." Sherlock said with a great big grin holding up two bags.

"For?" The doctor questioned eyeing the bags suspiciously.

"Groceries." He stated proudly as he set the bags on the counter and began to pull out items one by one.

"Why would you do that?" John laughed lightheartedly.

"I thought maybe we could make lunch together instead of getting takeout again..." He said with a blush. Somehow John found this incredibly sweet and felt his heart melting at the gesture.

"That sound lovely. But... I have plans." John said guiltily, fiddling with the hem of his jacket nervously.

Sherlock looked at John for the first time since he arrived. Really looked. John was wearing nice clothes and his best pair of shoes. He had shaved, done his hair and was wearing his sweet yet somehow spicy cologne. He had a date.

"Oh..." Sherlock trailed off, forgetting about the food on the bench.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry, John. It was a stupid idea anyway. Go, don't leave your date waiting." He dismissed John with a blank face, but his eyes were so full of emotions it made John knees weak.

"It's not a stupid idea, Sherlock. It's very sweet. Especially coming from you." John said quietly, a smile tugging at him lips.

They stood the for and awkward minute, both trying to hide from the elephant in the room. Since Sherlock obviously wasn't going to make a move to break the tension in the room, John did. He stepped forward and enveloped the tall man in a hug. It was awkward and the tension between the made John want to scream but at the same time it was lovely. They pulled apart and John smiled up at Sherlock thoughtfully.

"We'll make dinner together, tonight yeah?" He promised.

Sherlock nodded numbly then turned towards his room but before he could get very far John grabbed his forearm, turning him around and forcing the man to look at him.

"You alright?" His voice dripping with worry.

Sherlock nodded, "I'm fine, John. Go have fun." He pulled his arm from John's grip and disappeared into his room with a fake smile.

With his mouth agape, John stood there and starred at the spot where Sherlock had been standing. Why had he been so worked up over a stupid date? Was it even a date? John didn't even know if he liked her yet.

John looked at his watch and saw that he was already late so he bound down the steps, hoping that Lucy will help take his mind off his flatmate.


Sherlock stood in his room with his forehead against the door. He felt like such an idiot. Why would John ever choose to spend time with him over a pretty girl. Nobody has ever loved Sherlock, nobody ever will; he just had to accept that and move on. Mask his emotions.

Lately it seems as though John and Sherlock had been growing closer and closer, and no matter how many times John tries to deny it; what's between them is no longer platonic. Neither of them would dare to admit it but the feelings they share are more then friendship, by a long shot. The tension was becoming unbearable and now more then ever did Sherlock need a hit. Something to dull the pain. Something to take his mind off John.

But he had nothing left. What he used the other day was all he had. Sherlock began to feel nervous and twitchy. He needed a hit.

Sherlock hit his head against the door and tried to think of something else. Anything else. But all he could think of was that John is on a date. John is probably going to have a nice time on his date. He might even go home with the girl. And oh God now Sherlock was thinking about the things John is going to do with this girl. He smashed his head against the door once more then ripped the door open. Sherlock flew down the stairs and out the front door onto the street, heading to a place he knew he could get a hit.

A/N I'm sorry this chapter is a piece of shit, I think it's the worst one yet, but the next one is better I promise hehehe

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