Chapter four

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I would just like to say a great big thank you to angiwangi for reading, editing and giving me feedback <3 thank you so much bby it means a bunch :,)

John raced home and bound up the steps two at a time up to their flat. He looked around for Sherlock and spotted him on the couch with an arm draped lazily over his eyes. "Sherlock?" At first Sherlock doesn't move but when John walks closer and says Sherlock's names again he lets his arm fall to the ground and looks up at John. John sees Sherlock's bloodshot eyes and drops to his knees in front of the detective. "Are you okay?" Sherlock's eyes focus on John and panic flashes across his face. "What's wrong? Do you feel okay?" John asks pressing the back of his hand to Sherlock's forehead. He looked around the room and notices a small silver case on the table with an obviously used needle sitting next to it and he knows exactly what it is. "No." John breathes and looks back at Sherlock. "Tell me you didn't." He near pleaded.

Sherlock licked his lips and turned his head away from John shamefully. John stands up and kicks the coffee table before he begins to pace the living room. Sherlock looks over at John and winces. He didn't want to disappoint John. He didn't think John would come home tonight, he thought we would've stayed at Mike's after their row like he usually would. Sherlock stood up and followed John up and down the living room. "John stop." Sherlock said quietly, his head in a dizzy spin, embarrassed that John had found out what he'd done. "John." Sherlock says louder his vision blurring in and out of focus. "Sherlock why would you do this? You could've talked to me. Is it because I yelled at you? I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said. Why Sherlock?" John rambled on continuing to pace, not making eye contact with the tall detective. "I though you were past this. Why the fuck would you do this? Do you have any idea of the talent you're wasting?" John mumbled on and on.

"John ,will you stand still!" Sherlock quickly becomes agitated. "John stop pacing." Sherlock growls and pushes John up against the wall by the door with a force he hadn't know he possessed. Sherlock mind was fuzzy with the drug running through his system and he had no idea what he was doing, he felt like his mind was trapped in the shell of his body, screaming at him to do one thing but his body was doing the other- not listening to his mind. John's eyes grew wide at Sherlock's outburst and he struggles under Sherlock's strength. "Calm down." Sherlock scolded. "Me calm down!? You're the bloody idiot Sherlock who's using again! And I bet this isn't even the first time. How long have you been using again?" John snapped, his eyes involuntarily filling with tears.

John hated it that Sherlock did this to himself. The smoking and not sleeping or eating enough and all the other shenanigans that come along with Sherlock- John could deal with them all.

But this. This was something John couldn't stand.

It hurt him that Sherlock abuses his body like this, not only from his doctor point of view, but also on a personal level. Growing up, John's father was an addict and an alcoholic and eventually his sister followed in their fathers footsteps. John saw what it did to them and he hated it, he hated every moment of being at home with his father and eventually he ran away from home. Thinking that Sherlock could become like that scared John, he didn't want to watch Sherlock deteriorate into nothing like he had his father. "Today was the first time I've used since the year I met you." Sherlock whispered truthfully. "Don't lie to me." John said through gritted teeth growing angrier and angrier by the second. "I am not lying to you John. I might slug through life by lying to people but I definitely don't not lie to you." Sherlock growled.

"And how am I supposed to believe you." John gritted, glaring at at the man pinning him against the wall. Sherlock stares at John's lips hungrily and leans closer to his blogger. "I guess you'll have to figure that out. It's hardly my fault if you don't trust me after all we've been through." Sherlock spat back. John notices where Sherlock's eyes are looking and he panics. "Let me go." He mumbles and puts a hand on Sherlock's chest to push him away. Sherlock's eyes flicker up to John's before he leans in closer. "Sherlock let me go." John says louder in a tone of warning. Sherlock doesn't budge. Instead he closes the gap between their lips.

John's mind goes haywire and he freezes. Sherlock begins to move his mouth against John's who is completely frozen, pinned between Sherlock and the wall. The hand which lays on Sherlock's chest curls into a fist, gripping Sherlock's shirt and before he knows what he's doing John kisses Sherlock back, slipping his hand around Sherlock's neck. Sherlock presses his body flush against John's and opens his mouth against John's eagerly. A moan slips out of John's mouth as Sherlock presses his groin against John's stomach and he tangles his fingers into Sherlock messy curls. John's tongue licks at Sherlock's bottom lip and Sherlock willingly opens up his mouth wider letting John explore his mouth with his tongue.

"I want you." Sherlock growls into John's mouth. "I've wanted you for so long." He purrs biting John's bottom lip. John moans at Sherlock's words and rocks his hips forward into the detectives making Sherlock groan and tip his head back. John had no idea how this situation had come about but he didn't care anymore, all that mattered was that Sherlock bloody Holmes was kissing him and saying suggestive things. "I need you Sherlock." John whispers and takes the opportunity to attach his mouth to the taller mans neck.

"I want to fuck you right here against this wall." Sherlock breaths grinding his hips into John as John sucks at his neck. Sherlock's words send heart straight to John's erection pressing against Sherlock's thigh. John's hands fly start to undo the buttons of Sherlock's shirt as he sucks at Sherlock's neck intending to leave his mark on the mans pale skin. Sherlock sighs into John's touch and kisses, eyes closed in pure bliss as John undoes his shirt. Whether the bliss is from the drug or John Sherlock doesn't know, but in that moment he didn't care.

John bites and licks at Sherlock exposed collar bone and Sherlock grips onto his hips tight, digging his nails into John's skin. The small army doctor kisses his way up to the detectives mouth and kisses him hard, taking his face in his hands. This feels so prefect, John thinks to himself. They kiss each other with such a passion John can feel sparks exploding and floating down in curls around them. Suddenly Sherlock pulls away from John and without warning or reason disappears down the hallway in his room, slamming the door behind him, leavening John standing there against the wall, a panting mess with swollen lips and red cheeks

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