Chapter two

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I'm actually so sorry about the quality of this chapter. I just needed something to fill the story and this is what I came up with. I sincerely apologise in advance

John and Sherlock stroll into Scotland Yard 'fashionably late' as Sherlock put it. He always insists on being late- the last one to arrive- it prevents mindless chatter Sherlock always tells John. Where as John like to be early, but that's just his soldier side kicking in, he like always being on time.

Lestrade greets them with a hand shake and tells them to sit. As always Sherlock doesn't sit- he stands behind the seat John sits in and clasps his hands behind his back. "What have you got for us?" Sherlock says with an excited smile, it reminds John of a small child excited for Christmas. "Well," Greg begins, "there's a lady named Barbara Knightly- apparently very high up in the government and connected to the royal family. Last night a family heirloom of hers was stolen- a necklace worth billions of euros. Find it." Lestrade explains. Sherlock sighs, obviously expecting something a bit more interesting. Lestrade hands John the case file and thanks the men and they bid their goodbyes.

"This is going to be tedious." Sherlock mumbles to himself as he puts his arm out to hail a cab. As always a cab seems to appear out of nowhere and stop for Sherlock and the two men climb in. Sherlock tells the driver the address of their 'client' and sits back in his sets, frowning out the window. John watches Sherlock intently with a small smile, eyes skiting across the detectives features in awe. His raven black curls that fall perfectly on his forehead. His long, think eyelashes and multi coloured eyes. His soft Cupid Bow lips and strong chiseled cheek bones. Every thing about Sherlock is perfect in John's eyes, even his asshole personality. Sherlock turns and looks at John and John quickly looks away blushing madly. John spends the rest of the short ride trying not to make it obvious that he's staring, because he can't seem to tear his eyes away from the man.

Barbra Knightly is a petite lady in her 60's. She has short grey hair and wears thin glasses. She lives alone in a huge white mansion and has expensive taste. She greets Sherlock and John warmly and offers tea or coffee. Both men decline and are seated on a large white sofa across from the elderly woman. "I'm so thankful you came Mr Holmes. My necklace means so much to me and it just disappeared! I haven't the slightest idea where it could have gotten to, I've searched this house three time over looking for the darn thing. It's worth a lot of money and I'm afraid that whoever has it is going to sell it you see." She rambles on. Sherlock sighs and gives John a tired look as the woman rambles on and on. "Yes Mrs Knightly I-" "Call me Barbra." She insists. "Of course. Now I'd like you to tell me everything you possibly can about the necklace, your family and anyone who has had access to it." Sherlock says monotone with a bored expression. John could've sworn if the detective had a gun in his hand he'd start shooting the wall screaming bored.

"Well it's a Dimond necklace that was given to me by my mother, it dates back in my family almost six generations Mr Holmes. I keep it in a case beside my bed and I clean it every morning myself, only it wasn't there this morning. Only I have a key to the case and none of my maids know about the necklace. My granddaughters stay here a lot but I couldn't imagine that they'd take it, they know that they'll get it when I pass." "How old are your granddaughters?" Sherlock butts in. "Sixteen, Mrs Holmes. They're twins." She smiles proudly. Sherlock nods and thinks for a moment. "May I see the case?" He asks.

Barbara takes the detective and his blogger through her giant house to show them the case. "This is the key?" Sherlock points at the key attached to a simple silver chain necklace sitting next to the case on the bedside table. "Yes Mrs Holmes. I keep it on a chain around my neck at all times." Sherlock inspects the case closely. No sign of forced entry so it had to be opened with the key. The case has flecks of an alarmingly sparkly shade of nail polish that only a teenage girl would dare to wear. Sherlock looks at the key now, it has certain scratch marks on it that indicate that it's had in identical copy made, that would explain how the case was opened while this one was around Barbra's neck. Sherlock turns to Barbra. "Where are your granddaughters now?" He asks. "Well they're at school of course." She says with a dumbfounded expression.

"Well I'll have Lestrade go over there and question them. I have a good authority that your granddaughters have stolen you necklace Mrs Knightly." He says giving John the small proud smirk he always does when he cracks a case. The old woman's mouth I held agape and she makes a noise of surprise. "They must have stolen your necklace while you were in the shower, as I can see by the marks on the clasp that you remove it quite regularly, so you mustn't wear it in the shower. They had the key copied and waited for a good chance to steal the item. Teenagers these days care less and less about family heirlooms and were probably out to make a quick buck." Sherlock explains.

After contacting Lestrade and confirming that it was in fact the granddaughters who stole it and that one of them was hiding it in her school bag planing to sell it that afternoon, the men caught a cab home. "Well that was as tedious as expected." Sherlock sighed loudly. "That was amazing." John blurts out then blushes. "It was nothing, it was a two, Anderson could've figured that out. I don't know why we bothered to leave the flat." Sherlock whines and turns to stare out the window. And just like that he falls back into the bad mood he'd been in the weeks before.

Addicted to you (Johnlock fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora