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Discovering her

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It had been five years since the day that Atlanna showed up on the porch of Charlie Swan and boy Renée was not happy when she got home that day from taking Bella out to run errands with her to find her husband with a random toddler that she had no clue where the child even came from.

The woman did not like her husband taking in a random girl that he knew nothing about and she tried her best to get him to find another home for Calissa but Charlie put his foot down and wouldn't budge he had promised Cali's mother that he would look after her and he planned to keep that promise.

It was just Cali and Charlie now, Renée left and took Bella, who was just a year younger than Cali, with her. Even though Renee didn't like Cali all that much Cali and Bella got along really well, even if they were complete opposites. Bella even as a child was introverted and awkward while Cali is more confident and extroverted.

Cali quite enjoyed when Bella would come to visit them but by the time Cali turned 7, Bella had all but stopped coming to visit except for a few weeks during the summer. But in time those visits would halt as well not that any of them knew that yet though.

Charlie had the day off so he had taken Cali into Port Angeles, they were currently at an ice cream shop in the mall, he left Cali sitting on a bench but right in his sights so he could see her and told her that he would be right back knowing exactly what she wanted it was what she got every single time they were there.

Cali was doing as she was told sitting there waiting for her dad to come back with their ice cream, she was swinging her legs back and forth since her feet didn't reach the floor, she loved when her dad had days off because most of them were spent with her or he'd take her fishing when he went with Billy Black and Harry Clearwater, or if then were going hunting he'd leave Cali with Harry's wife Sue to watch until they got back, but she particularly liked when he took her out of ice cream.

A mall security guard had noticed the child sitting by herself and just wanted to make sure that she hadn't lost her parents so he walked over to her "HI there, are your parents nearby?"

Cali gave him a look "I'm not lost if that's what you're saying my daddy will be right back."

"Well how about I stand here with you until he gets back?"

Cali shook her head, she knew that Charlie would be back in a minute "no it's okay daddy will be back in just a minute he went to get our ice cream." the security guard was starting to annoy the child, with all his questions, she had already said her dad would be back in a minute but the guard persisted and then everything after that happened pretty fast.

Charlie paid for the ice cream for the two of them and turned around just in time to see a security guard go flying away from Cali as if he was thrown back by an invisible force, luckily there weren't many people in the area to witness.

Charlie ran towards his daughter "Lissa, sweetheart are you okay? What happened?"

The blue-eyed girl nodded "I'm fine daddy, I don't know what happened, one minute the man in the uniform was talking to me and asking me questions, I think he's a security guard here? But he was asking questions and I told him that I wasn't lost that you would be right back in a minute and then he kept asking questions and then all of a sudden he just went flying it was like an invisible force shoved him away."

Charlie hugged her "well I'm just glad that you're okay Lissa." she wrapped her small arms around him hugging him back, he handed her the cup of ice cream "how about we finish the ice cream on the way to the car and head home?"

Cali nodded agreeing with him and so they made their way to the car eating their ice cream, the one thought in the man's mind as they exited the mall being 'what the hell just happened?'

Cali looked at him wide-eyed, she had heard her father's voice but he hadn't opened his mouth and spoken the words it was like she heard them in her head. After she had heard her father's voice in her head she heard a bunch of other voices in her head and they were so loud, she grabbed her head and covered her ears trying to block them out but it wasn't working and it made her head start to hurt.

"Lissa... sweetheart what happened? Are you alright?"

She looked at him with tears in her eyes "my head hurts and everything is so loud... I don't know what's happening."


When Cali had accidentally thrown the man back telekinetically it had sent out a pulse, a very strong pulse that was sensed all the way across the country in Westchester County, New York. The man sitting behind his desk in his office wasn't the only one to feel the pulse either because not five minutes later a red-haired woman entered the office. "You felt it too didn't you professor?"

The man nodded "indeed I did Jean, I believe that a young but powerful mutant has come into their power, let's take a trip down to Cerebro and see if we can't locate our new young mutant."

Jean nodded and followed behind the Professor as they descended down to the Cerebro chamber, once inside, Charles put the helmet on and activated the device.

Cali was in her room now they had just gotten home and the events that occurred had made her rather tired so she had wanted to take a nap and Charlie told her he'd be in the living room if she needed anything, once they got away from the crowded area Cali's head stopped hurting and she didn't hear so many voices anymore. She was laying on her bed when she heard the voice in her head speaking directly to her.


She hesitated before answering "Hi... how are you in my head and who are you?"

"My name is Charles Xavier, and to put it simply I am a Telepath meaning that I can hear the thoughts of others... what is your name?"

"Calissa Swan, I think I may be able to do that too... earlier I heard my dad's voice but he wasn't speaking in fact his mouth was closed but I heard it crystal clear..." Cali trailed off.

"I do believe you are a telepath Ms. Swan and with your parent's permission we can help you, enroll you in the school that I run for children with gifts much like yours... we can help you learn how to control it"

"You will definitely have to speak with my dad about that..."

"Of course, we will see you soon and explain everything to you and your father." Then the voice was gone as if it wasn't here at all leaving Cali even more confused about everything than she was before that was when she finally decided to take the nap that she said she was going to take before her strange conversation with the voice in her head that called himself Charles Xavier.

He removed the helmet and looked to Jean "have Hank get the jet ready, we have a possible new student in Ms. Swan, but first things need to be explained to her and her parents."

Jean nodded at him "of course professor." the two exited the Cerebro chamber, Jean, heading off to do as Charles had asked of her.

As soon as they had everything in order, Charles, Jean, and Hank set out with Hank of course flying the jet.


This book isn't going to be following any of the X-men timelines just the Twilight timeline just so you guys know. The first few chapters will be pre-twilight, with Cali going to Charles' school and learning control over her powers things like that Act One won't be very long six maybe seven chapters, and Act Two will start into Twilight.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy the chapter (: I'm really looking forward to getting this book going.

Her Tracker, His Hybrid {Demetri Volturi}Where stories live. Discover now