𝙚𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. to wait for you

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The two groaned as they were practically being dragged by Satoru to the car.

"It's too early to wake up!" Y/N complained.

"And so is the clan meeting!" he said as if it's nothing.

"Clan meeting?!" Now this made her groggy mind become alert.

"We're going to a clan meeting?!" she protested.

"Yup, both Zen'in and Gojo clan meeting, so hurry up"

"But why am I needed?" Megumi asked, his eyelids still drooping.

"Eh, because you're a Zen'in, now come along you two, we don't want to anger those old geezers don't we?"

"Says you" Y/N rolled her eyes, she knows better than anyone else that if there's one thing Satoru loves to do the most, it's agitating the higher-ups. But oh well, today they have no choice but to go with him, she can only sigh in defeat.


"Fushigurooooooo" Yuji yelled his name while running towards him when he came back. The spiky-haired boy cringed at his loud voice.

"Shut up"

"Where's Y/N?" he asked and Megumi only furrowed his eyebrows.


"Well, Kugisaki's been dying to get treated already, Shoko-san isn't around and Okkotsu-san is not yet here"

"I thought we don't have missions today?" Megumi asked.

"Yeah but she challenged Panda senpai which kinda resulted to an accident and her leg broke?"


'I shouldn't have asked' What does he expect from his crazy friends.

"Soo? Where's Y/N?"

"She's at the principal's office, to discuss her mission next school year"

"Eh??? Already? Why? What's her mission?"


"So you're going to be busy training for clan duties and Y/N's going overseas for two years" Kugisaki repeated what Megumi said, still tolerating the pain in her leg.

"That's not fair" Itadori pouted.

"We're only going to be second years tho?" Kugisaki added.

"Well, that's what they want" Megumi shrugged.

"So, you have really officially accepted" Maki asked while cleaning her weapon.


"Good luck with that"

Megumi has already thought of this responsibility a thousand times, and at first he doesn't want it, but then again he also doesn't want Y/N to suffer with another person, especially not Naoya who almost attacked them earlier at the Zen'in estate. The guts he had even if he's already gone under torture and stripped of his freedom.

And also, he trusts Y/N's plans for the future.

"I'll be saying that to you someday" he said and Maki only furrowed her eyebrows.

"The heck you mean?" but Megumi only shrugged.

"I'm here!" suddenly, their attention turned to the person who just arrived and is running towards them.

"Damn Nobara, what the heck happened?" Y/N said as she saw the poor girl in a very awkward position.

"Y/NNNN please have mercy and take away this pain already! I will be indebted to you my whole life!"

destined. 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤 𝙢𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙞 ✓Where stories live. Discover now