𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣. to welcome another year

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"Oi, Itadori" Megumi grabbed the poor boy by his collar.

"Ow! You don't have to pull me like that Fushiguro!"

"Would you please just stand still and not roam around for a while?!"

"Yeah it's just less than 24 hours, and we'll be celebrating new year!" Kugisaki agreed.

"But I thought we're here to have fun! Let me roam around for a while, sensei's not even here yet!" Itadori complained and tried to get out of Megumi's grasp.

They were currently at Akihabara, the center for electronic shops and well, "otaku" culture. And Itadori want to try all the delicious food they can find, not to mention some maid cafes are really tempting him to go.

"Knowing Gojo sensei, he most probably have a mission for us" Megumi said.

"Right, you know we really don't have proper breaks" Y/N added. "But I don't really want to think about it today"

"But we're at Akiba! We need to have fun!" Itadori said which Kugisaki gladly agreed.

"We need to go shopping!"

"Yeah! And have fun exorcising curses!" Satoru finally appeared and spoke in the most cheerful tone, which made Itadori and Kugisaki groan.

"That's what you gathered us here for?!" Kugisaki complained.

"I told you all" Megumi commented.

"I thought we'll be buying food and firecrackers for new year!" Itadori whined.

"That is after you exorcise the curses!" he exclaimed.

"You know what, let's just get into it" Y/N said and crossed her arms, she really wanted to go home already and they all know they can't get out of Satoru's schemes.

"Very good answer! Now let's go, go, go!"


And it took them half an hour to exorcise every curse from the old restaurant they went to.

"Let's go home already" Y/N said but Satoru only smiled.

"Not so fast!" he said. You have a next mission!"

"Whaaaat?!" they all groaned at the same time.

"Hehe don't worry as this will no longer involve curses!" he clapped his hands. "You are going to split into two teams! One to buy food and the other for firecrackers! Hai! Nobara and Y/N for food and Megumi and Yuji for firecrackers!"

"And what if we don't?" Y/N asked.

"You'll take my mission next week!"

"Alright let's do it" Y/N immediately said, which they all agreed to, no one wants to take his mission, nope.

And so they split up.

Y/N actually had a fun time with Nobara, especially it was them who received Gojo's card, the boys only received limited cash.

"Y/N how about let's get this and this and that?"

"I told you Nobara, just get everything you want, no need to ask me, it's Satoru's money anyway" She said as her eyes roamed. "Get those for Yuji and Megumi too, and those sweets for the big child, oh we have to get some for the second years too" she pointed at the different kinds of stalls and restaurants lining in front of them, now normally she doesn't like spending someone's money, but now, this was her revenge for the mission Satoru gave them today, who would want to exorcise ten curses on new year's eve?!

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