𝙤𝙣𝙚. to seal one's fate

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Year 2014

It was a very busy day at the Gojo estate, everyone's getting ready for the banquet with the Zen'ins today, this is the day where they are finally making it official, they are going to sign a treaty to end the thousand-year dispute between the two families.

"Remember Y/N, you should always behave especially in front of the Zen'in elders okay?"

"Yes, mother" the 12-year-old replied.

"You were taught by the best etiquette teacher in this household, I trust that you will behave as a lady of the Gojo clan is expected to be" her father said in the strictest tone, the girl could only nod.

"Let's go"

And so the girl trailed behind her parents until they reached the banquet hall. The sliding door opened and the maids welcomed the family, all eyes of the guests and family members were set on them.

As much as Y/N wanted to avoid eye contact, she can't help but to roam her eyes around, all members of the Zen'in and Gojo clan in their best kimonos were present and they were all wearing serious faces as if they're gonna swallow the kid whole. Normally the tension in the room and the faces they gave would scare a 12 year-old but Y/N stayed calm. 

Everyone was looking down at the small stature of the girl with fierce eyes except for one who actually gave her a smile when their gazes met, not that she could really see his eyes behind those sunglasses, she can just tell, after all those years she spent hanging out with him. It was her "annoying" older cousin. She hated to admit it, but despite him being annoying most of the time, he's the only one she can trust in this family. She gave a timid smile in return.

Gojo Satoru pitied his little cousin's destiny, he could have stopped this, he swore he would kill all of the elders and leave only Y/N and him, and maybe kill those in the Zen'in clan too, if only she did not object.

Y/N strongly opposed this idea of his, telling him that it's alright and that she accepts her fate. He remembers how this twelve-year-old girl acted mature for her age, even more mature than him who's actually a full-grown adult.

"I can wipe out everyone, Y/N, might as well consider these people not humans, you do not deserve this, Arashi wouldn't want this"

"Satoru, please don't. If you do that, you'll only be labeled as a mass murderer, our clan would be persecuted in the jujutsu world, and the rift between the Zen'ins will only get wider, this is my punishment  for my..."

"Shh, Y/N it was not your fault, how many times have I said that to you? And who says I will not include the Zen'ins when I kill them all?"

"The other clans will not turn a blind eye on this, even if you wipe them all out, we are still Gojos, they will put their guard up and even maybe kill us too because who will guarantee that you will not do the same to them? And with only us two, you think we will win? I don't want to lose you too"

"We will, trust me"

"No, Satoru, listen to me. I will do this. But okay, here's the deal, if ever I no longer want to be in this situation, then I'll ask for your help, okay?"

Satoru could only sigh. He also doesn't want to force you to agree with him, it's what he's fighting for in the first place, your freedom to choose and decide. 

"Just, say the word, and I will definitely take you out of this situation"

"Don't worry, if ever there comes a day that I will change my mind, I will come to you for help. I promise. But for now, just stand by, I can handle this"

destined. 𝙛𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤 𝙢𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙞 ✓Where stories live. Discover now