Chapter 15 and On Hold

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Meters away from the place where Shoukaku and Zuina are fighting

We could see a Manjuu carrying Zuikaku's sword and was in a hurry to head to Zuikaku's location as Zuikaku could feel any moment now the lock on Shoukaku's sword sheathe will bebroken and thing will get to serious from there

But as then Manjuu is running it suddenly got bumped by Maho and Miho, who was surprisingly discharged a few hours later

Miho: Oh a Manjuu, what are you doing here

Manjuu: Chirp, Chirp, CHIRP!!!

Miho: WHAT?!

Maho: What is it sister?

Miho: *Picks up the sword that the manjuu is holding* We have to save Zuina-san!!!

Maho: Sister calm down you still can't stand and walk properly!

At Zuina's side

We could see Shoukaku's sheath leaving the sword as it's lock was broken due to Shoukaku's fast swinging, Causing Zuina to distance away from Shoukaku

Shoukaku: Is that all you got?!

Zuina: Your fucking insane sister, your going to slice me clean dead?!

And then Shoukaku makes she strikes faster causing Zuina to dodge but got some cuts in the process

and then she heard Miho's voice 

Miho: Ms. Zuina *throws Zuina's sword towards her with Shoukaku surprised that Miho's been discharged to day*

With this distraction Zuina grabs the sword and removes it's sheathe and then she spoke

Zuina: Now were even

Shoukaku: Oh how the tables changed, but could you keep up 

Zuina: We'll see about than, *does a fighting stance* 

as Shoukaku heard this she smirks and started to charge at Zuina, beginning a sword fight 

As they fight, Both Nishizumi sister's and Manjuu watch with amazement due to they are like dancing with there swords instead of fighting 

As there sword fighting continues Zuina smiled as it has been so long since she used her sword on a battle, Shoukaku smiling as she manages to revive some determination from her younger sister

During the war it was Zuina who put Shoukaku's spirit's up even the war is not in there favor anymore, and so she wanted to return the favor

Shoukaku: Not bad sister, but it seems your skills are rusting

Zuina: We'll se about that!

and then flames emitted from Zuina's sword and started to attack Shoukaku relentlessly with Shoukaku staying on the defensive

While they are fighting, Maho spoke

Maho: Should we stop them?

Miho: Why?

Maho: If this keeps up Ms. Zuina might burn the forest close to there fighting are

Miho: Oh, don't worry I think Shoukaku is fixing that problem

Maho: If you say so... wanna make a bet who'll win

Miho: *sigh* Just this once, give me #### Yen if Ms. Zuina wins

Maho: Deal, and you'll give the same amount if Ms. Shoukaku wins

Miho: Okay *Thought's* I'm going to need to work get a part time job to get more money at this rate if she wins I'm going to go broke *End Thoughts*

At Shoukaku

Shoukaku: *Thoughts* I almost forgot about the forest?! *End Thoughts*

We could see Shoukaku changing direction to prevent Zuina's flaming sword making contact with the forest

"Crisis averted"

And then the flames in Zuina's sword disappeared as she started to get tired

Zuina: I-I must say, your very good now on defense unlike from last time, did you learn from Lady Mikasa?

Shoukaku: Yep

Zuina: I see, I fish this fight then

Shoukaku: Wha-

and then Zuina tosses her sword in the air, causing Shoukaku to look at the flying sword, which was her mistake as Zuina closes her distance and disarmed Shoukaku and then she punch her in the stomach with Shoukaku kicking Zuina on the back, causing the two to fall on the ground

As this happens they started to both laugh as they managed have a nice fight and fare fight at least

Zuina: *sigh* Alright you convince me sis I'll see what I can do, but for the location of where the others are in there Floating cities, I don't know where they are

Shoukaku: It's fine, *stand up and extends a hand to Zuina with Zuina grabbing to stand up* Let's treat your wounds I may have gone a little bit fat

Zuina: Yeah

and then the Manjuu grabs both of the sisters sword sheathes and then Shoukaku tells them the battle is draw, causing Miho to be glad inside as she managed to save herself from the bet she'd just made

and so Shoukaku, Miho, and Maho take Zuina back to the bakery with the manjuu following them so Shoukaku could tend her wounds

To be continued

Note: This story will be on hold until I start Season 2 of Kaga's story that's all bye-bye!

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