Chapter 19 and Notice

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As Shoukaku and Miho walked in the streets as they headed to Miho's apartment, Miho spoke

Miho: Ms. Shoukaku

Shoukaku: Hmm, yes? 

Miho: Will I still lead my team in the upcoming Sensha-dō Tournament from your about to tell me?

Shoukaku: Yes, you can thou there will be times you won't 

Miho: I see

after a few more minutes, they both arrived with Miho unlocking her apartment and prepares some snacks and water, with Shoukaku sitting on the floor where the medium table was with Shoukaku scanning the room seeing some shelves filled with tank and plane models and a talisman on Miho's on top of the front door of there apartment

Soon after, Miho returned with the water and biscuits, and from there Shoukaku spoke

Shoukaku: We've received a report from our high command that the Sirens have managed to pass by some of the town ships and managed to damage some of them by using torpedoes, even the shipgirls done there best to prevent this from happening, causing the ships to be repaired in huge drydocks made 

Miho: That was a months ago right, Ms. Zuikaku told me that Ms. Bearn and Ms. Akagi's ship only received medium damages but thanks to the underground crews the ships were easily repaired less than 5 days

Shoukaku: Yes but there's more to it

Miho: What do you mean

Shoukaku: Akagi had a feeling that if the Sensha-dō Tournament will take place where two townships needed to meet, there could be a chance that it'll be sabotaged by the sirens

Miho: I see. . .

Shoukaku: Don't worry they haven't cancel the tournament yet, but this pose a concern 

Miho: So what do MEXT and Azur lane planned to do?

And then Shoukaku pulls out a folder and gave it to Miho, with Miho reading it's contents and eyes widening

Miho: This is-

Shoukaku: Apparently the higher ups decided to send over 5 AC-130J Ghostrider's to every town ship for extra security due to an incident regarding Ark Royal's ship a week ago being invaded by Siren humanoid and almost all of the Tankery teams there died if it wasn't for bravery and courage of the soldiers stationed there and supporting the Tankery teams

Miho: I haven't heard of that

Shoukaku: It was covered up, as estimated that 100 people died from that attack

Miho: But the costs-

Shoukaku: Azur Lane agreed to pay the cost for the 5 AC-130J Ghostrider's so no need to worry, but about the Humanoid Sirens, it seems they are trying to get to the shipgirls who owned the town ships since the George Washington, Invincible, and Kiev are getting attack only once or twice, with the Saunders University High School agreeing to it aswell

Miho: Of course they do

Shoukaku: With the upcoming tournament, squadrons from both ships that are going to battle with have to work together and start patrolling the skies a day before the battle happen, the last thing we want to happen is that a Siren Submarine slipped between the two ships and torpedo them

Miho: It won't happen I assure you, is that all?

Shoukaku: Yes

With that they both stand up and Shoukaku spoke as she pulls a canister where a paper is contained

Shoukaku: I managed to steal this as it contains the schools who'll fight for the upcoming tournament, I wish you good luck Miho

Miho: Thank you, Ms. Shoukaku, but I would like to return to this tomorrow so you won't get into trouble

Shoukaku: Very well then

After that Shoukaku left with Miho opening the canister and looked at the paper of who'll her school will be fighting first

To be continued

(Notice: Guys. . .There is a chance that this could be discontinued

I won't be surprised if some of you have expected this, things are changing very fast and I'm going to be Grade 12 soon which will be college next, and I'm planning to publish stories that popped out in my mind and you guys might like before I go to college(I hope I can still publish stories even I'm in college)

But don't worry, It won't happen yet as I'm planning to not do Birmingham's story that has a Danganrompa crossover story(After I finish Denver story) or Georgia's story which is a Honkai Impact Crossover(Where there is a Bronya x Kiana), so I can put a Project Sekai solo story(A Devil Manner AU for those who knew but it won't be horror) 

Cause there would be problems if I done one of the two but I think I've decided who not to do, so this story won't be discovered I hope

That's all!)

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