Part 1: Bus

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Max woke up to the sound of her alarm ringing in her ears „Are you kidding me already I fell asleep like 2 hours ago" she forced herself out of bed. She haven't seen Jane and The party all summer ,since she had been at her aunts beach house ,and she couldn't wait to see them .Max quickly Put on her clothes, a black long sleeve shirt and black sweatpants. It wasn't cold out in fact It was very warm but she loved fall so much that every year as soon as school started she wore long sleeves and sweaters. However this school year wasn't just any school year, it was their senior year. Max wasn't particularly popular but usually got invites to party's and hangouts because of the people she was friends with.

By the time Max had gotten ready the school bus had already arrived and despite her many efforts to get a divers license she still had yet to pass, and was forced to ride the bus. But it was okay because Jane was on the bus. Max missed breakfast but seeing her friend made up for it.
„ hey" Jane Said calling Max over to the seat she was sitting in.
„ How was your summer with your aunt" Jane asked when Max sat down
„It was good" Max replied to Jane smiling
Jane reached out to touch a piece of Maxes beautiful red hair
„We're seniors Max „
„I Know Jane It's crazy right"
"You know you can call me El right..."
"I know but just in case someone over hears me I -I don't want anything to happen"
"Oh yea that's a good Idea and yea It is crazy I mean us seniors who the fuck would've thought we would make it this far"
" wow I have never heard you curse before" Max said startled at hearing this
"Well I'm trying to be more mature since I'm turning 18 soon"
"Don't feel like you have to rush into being mature your not like half of the people in our grade who hook up with their dumb boyfriends every day"
" yea your right" Jane replied laying her head on Her friends shoulder.
Max turned bright red
" Are you okay?"
"Yea, Yea just hot"
"Here take off your jacket it's 80 degrees out of course your hot"
"You know I love fall fashion"
"I do but apparently your so hot you turned as red as a tamato"
" Im fine Jane I promise"

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