22) Dyslexia

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I then focused on my upcoming exams. They were crucial. There was a friendly competitive spirit in the air between Hermione and me as we tried to outshine each other in Charms and Transfiguration.
I revised, and just as I was making my way to Quirrell's class, I heard sobbing coming from a classroom.

"Padma-!" Parvati Patil was talking to her twin who was a Ravenclaw, "Padma, you have to tell Professor Flitwick!"

Padma wept, "B-But I'm a Ravenclaw-"

She stopped midsentence, in horror looking at me.

Parvati wheeled around, and to my disbelief, she became relieved.

"Bells! Bells, do come here!" She said shrilly, while Padma motioned no.

I stood there wavering.

"Padma has dyslexia." Parvati blurted out, "We thought perhaps in a school full of magic it'd be cured... But it's not..."

I did not know what to do with this piece of information.

"Go to Professor Flitwick, he's your head of the house, right?" I suggested, echoing Parvati.

"I'm a Ravenclaw!" Padma wailed, "I'm supposed to be wise. The House chose me! How can it choose me if I am dyslexic?"

"I don't know..." Parvati said comforting her, "Well if not Flitwick, then we'll go to Dumbledore!"

"Oh." A tube light sparked in me, "I know! I know where Dumbledore's office is!"

"You do?" Padma forgot all about her worries, "But how? No first-year... What did you do Bells Potter?"

I grinned... Remembering two days ago when I was coming back from a nasty Herbology lesson, I had strayed and I had seen Dumbledore and Snape in an intense conversation that they had walked right past me to a gargoyle on the seventh floor. Snape had boomed 'Cauldron Cakes' and the gargoyle moved to reveal a stone staircase. I had figured that was his office.

I told all of this to the Patil twins as we raced to the seventh floor, forgetting that we had a Defence against the Dark Arts revision class.

"Cauldron Cakes," I said confidently, not out of breath, unlike the other two.

The gargoyle sprang to life after a moment, and the three of us exchanged excited glances.

We carefully climbed the stone staircase and knocked on the wooden door which creaked open.

I stepped in first. His office was rather large and filled with quirky objects. A fiery plumage caught my eye as it settled on Dumbledore's shoulders.

"Hello, Bells. Miss Patil and Miss Patil." Dumbledore rose from his chair, "Don't you three have class?"

"Um, Professor I uh I have-" Padma faltered and stepped back, embarrassed.

"Go on please," Professor Dumbledore said gently, raising a hand to stop me from speaking.

"I have dyslexia." Padma said resolutely, "I have dyslexia and I have a reading disability."

Dumbledore became thoughtful, "That is... I will inform Professor Flitwick about this. Don't worry. You don't have to be embarrassed, it's okay to be dyslexic. I just wish you'd told me this earlier. But not to worry, not to worry. I'll have Professor Flitwick and Professor McGonagall help you."

Padma nodded vigorously, and Parvati squeezed her hand.

"I imagined you thought magic could cure your disability," Dumbledore continued shrewdly, "Magic cannot cure it. We can help you... Provide you with a safe learning environment, where you won't be judged... But alas... There are some things that magic cannot cure."

Padma gulped, and mumbling a 'thank you', she and Parvati left.

"Professor?" I began after they'd left, "Why'd the Hat sort her in Ravenclaw if she has a learning disability?"

He smiled, "Bells. Just because you can't learn doesn't mean you don't want to. The Hat found wisdom in her. We just need to help her harness it. Thank you for bringing her to me."

I understood, feeling shallow.

"Bells," He said softly, as I turned to go, "You are in the making Bells. While the world may see Harry Potter... I do see you too. While Harry has and will have to overcome unspeakable dangers in the future, know that, in the end... It all comes down to you."

"What do you mean Professor?" I knitted my eyebrows.

"I can't tell you that now. I'm sorry." Dumbledore cast his head down, "Now off you go!"

Confused, I walked down. This time slowly... Trying to process what Dumbledore said. What did I have that was 'in the making'? Harry was clearly the better choice. Better flier. Better socially. Better in everything.


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