11) The Castle and Classes

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Hogwarts was huge and grand.

There were numerous staircases of different shapes and sizes, moving as they pleased. Paintings lined the way, the people in it moving out of their frames and guiding 1st years. It was like the castle had a mind of its own.

Whispers followed Harry wherever he went, students straining their necks to get a glimpse of him.
Ron and I found it a little funny, and tried to ease the tension by saying, "Make way for the Harry Potter! The boy who's famous because he didn't die!" Whenever we saw groups of students staring at Harry.
Fred and George joined in too by rolling out red carpets and showering Harry with petals as people clustered around him.

Getting to class on time was itself a difficult task!

Hermione, I found was your typical straight-A student. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown, the other Gryffindor 1st year girls had become tight friends just like Harry and Ron.

So I found myself walking with round-faced and forgetful Neville Longbottom.

Peeves, the poltergeist had the time of his life when he sent both of us in a frenzy as we searched for the Charms classroom in the dungeons.

"1st years?" A steely voice made us stop in our tracks.

I turned around to see the hooked nose teacher.

"It's Sna-ape." Neville trembled.

Snape glanced at Neville, and then looked at me, something stirring in his eyes.

"Professor," I coughed, "We're lost. Where is the Charms classroom?"

"Not in- Not in the dungeons." And with that Snape left, his black robe billowing behind him.

"Students have come off worse." Neville told me two hours later as we headed to the Great Hall for lunch, "Snape is always looking for an excuse to take points."

"Snape?" Ron who heard Neville, rounded on me, "You've met him already? But we haven't had Potions yet!"

"Yes. We got lost, Ron." I heaved my bag to the side and sat down.

"And he didn't deduct points?" George had come up behind me, "Interesting."

We had Herbology in the greenhouses, which Neville exceeded at. Harry and I exchanged oh-shit-what's-going-on looks almost every class, as magic was more than just wand waving.

Quirell, our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher's class was a bit of a joke. His classroom smelled of garlic and he kept stuttering the whole time. History of Magic was led by a ghost named Professor Binns.

Harry, Ron, and I played Tic-Tac-Toe the whole time, while Binns wheezed on about something that happened in the 1800s. 


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