Chapter XXIV

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Optimus looked down at Sari as she sat next to him on the opening of the ship.

"Did you, destroy the Allspark?" Sari asked as she looked up at him.

"More like I dispersed it, which means this key is now the most powerful Cybertronian artifact in existance and much too valuable to be kept in the hands of mere Autobots." He spoke as he dropped the key into Sari's servos. "If the Allspark chose you, it must have had a good reason. Now lets go help the others." He replied as he picked Sari up into his servo and headed out to where he saw the rest of his teammates, excluding Julie looking out into the distance.

As he approached, they turned to him, before one at a time he watched as Sari walked over to them and inserted the key into them, allowing it to help repair each bot. Ratchet being the last one as he saw the medic hold Sari in his servo, aiding her in reaching a spot on his chest to insert the key into. Once she was done, Ratchet set her down on the ground where she hopped off.

"There's no sign of the Decepticons, but I doubt we've seen the last of them." Ratchet spoke up as the bot looked out into the distance where the sun was setting.

"You all fought like auotbots. I can't tell you proud I am of each and every one of you." He spoke as he looked at the team.

"Go on, tell us. We can take it." Bumblebee cried as he noticed Sari looking into the distance, clearly upset about soething.

"Has anyone seen my dad?" Sari asked out of the blue, "Or Julie? She disappeared when she took Megatron out."

"I swear, if she got herself killed..." Ratchet cried. "I don't care how long we are out here, we are looking for Julie. I am not letting anyone go back to Detroit, until we find her."

"Ratchet, shouldn't Prime be the one to make that call?" Bumblebee asked as he turned to see him looking resentful about going.

"You heard the order, let's split up and cover more ground." Optimus ordered.

"I don't think we have to. Look." Prowl spoke up as he pointed in the distance where the froze over water was stained black from what he could see, along with smoke floating up into the sky.

"Julie!" Ratchet cried as he ran across the ice, before stopping right at where the ice started to turn black. He and his team ran after them to see in the center was Julie, looking dead still, He was about to step onto the black ice, before Ratchet grabbed him and held him back.

"We can't walk out there. The ice is unstable." Ratchet cried as he looked at them. He looked down to see that not only was the ice black, but he could see tons of cracks everywhere on the surface, making him realize that they had to find some other way to reach her. Looking to his hooks, he aimed his servo towards the girl, and fired it, only to find that his rope was coming short of reach. Testing the ice, he set one pede on top of the black ice, testing it to see if there was any chance of it holding him, only to see it split open instantly.

"Prime, stop. If she falls into that water, it could make her condition worse. If she is even still alive." Ratchet cried. "We need someone smaller and lighter to go out and get her." Ratchet said as he turned to look at Bumblebee, him turning to look at Bee also in the process.

"What? Why are you all looking at me?" Bumblebee cried.

"Ratchet, what's the plan?" Optimus asked.

"I can lift Bumblebee up and carry him out towards where Julie is, but if your hooks didn't stand a chance of reaching out to her, my magnetic field don't stand a chance either of reaching all the way. If he can speed across the ice, grab her and speed back, I can lift him back up and carry him back across the ice to ensure that neither of them fall into the water." Ratchet explained as he turned to look at Bumblebee.

"You want me to risk my life crossing the ice and back?" Bumblebee asked.

"She did rescue your life while up on the roof." Prowl commented.

"She saved all of us, even Prime." Bulkhead agreed. "And I thought she hated Prime."

He could feel himsenf grinding his teeth at the comment, but he was right. He had been mean to Julie most of the day and here she was at sunset, laying out on the ice, injured or offline.

"What if we let her fall into the water?" Sari suddenly asked, startling all of them at the suggestion.

"Sari, are you insane?" Bumblebee cried.

"She would freeze to death." Ratchet replied.

"I am not so sure. She seemed to like the cold when we went on the camping trip a few days ago. It didn't hurt her at all." Prowl agreed as he looked at them.

"Prowl's right, she was laying down on top of the snow like it was nothing." Sari explained. "Not to mention she has laid on top of ice in the base a few times as well."

"But, I thought it was water and energon that helped her heal." Bulkhead spoke up.

"Exactly, which is why I think it would be a good thing if she fell into the water. It is cold and it helps her heal." Sari replied.

"I hope your right, Sari. I wish not to have her leave us with the scares that she ended up recieving today." He commented, before he turned to Bulkhead. "I want you to fire your servos out as far as you can, to break the ice. Hopefully it all cracks slowly so if she ends up getting wet, she doesn't fall in all the way. Giving us the chance to move in and grab her if we have to."

"Got it." Bulkhead replied as he quickly transformed his servo and fired it, sending it falling and crashing on top of the ice a little distance away from Julie. As he pulled his servo back, the ice instantly started to break apart along the trail he made, before they saw cracks forming, getting closer to Julie in the process. It happened so fast that, the ice underneath Julie just shattered, breaking apart underneath her weight.

Julie sunk under the water instantly, making him panic, as he quickly jumped into the water and swam through the water as best and as quickly as he could, to find Julie slowly swimming up towards him. Grabbing hold of him by the shoulders they jumped out of the water and landed next to the rest of the team where Julie ended up laying on top of him moving very little as her wings were drappeda round her incredibly low and she had her arms spread out like she had fallen from up high.

"Julie?" Optimus asked as he set a digit underneath her chin and made her look up, to see that her eyes were glowing bright, like the Allspark. "Julie, what did you do?" He asked as he picked her up in his servo and sat up, just before the others rushed toward them.

"Julie, I swear..." Ratchet cried as he scooped her out of his servo and started to examine her. "What is going on? Why is she glowing? She fought with you, did she not?" Ratchet cried as he looked at him.

"I broke the Allspark, and she ended up disappearing with Megatron holding the Allspark in his chassis."

"Meaning the thing blew up on her as well." Ratchet replied as he examined Julie. "I will keep an eye on her, let you guys know if there are any improvements to her condition. We should head back to base."

"What will we do now that the Allspark is gone?" Bumblebee asked.

"That is not our priority now. Right now we need to take Sari back to base and get Julie taken care of. That is the least we can do to make this day right. 

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