Chapter XIII

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"Ow, careful with that." Someone cried out, as Julie found herself slowly waking up on what felt like a bed.

"Don't be such a big baby, I'm just fixing you up." Someone replied.

"While you're at it, do you think you could customize me? Maybe add some of those rims that spin." The previous voice cried out, making her remember the fight that happened in the lake.

"This key isn't a toy Bumblebee. We're gonna need its power to repair the rest of your ship." Sari replied as she sat up and saw herself in the medical room with the others, finding Sari arguing with Bumblebee and having the sternest look she had ever seen on the girl.

"Yeesh, you sound just like Ratchet." Bumblebee cried out.

"Atta girl." Ratchet cheered as he looked at Sari.

"Hey, don't be in such a hurry to get rid of us." Bulkhead cried out.

"Even with the key, it'll take a while for the ship to become fully operational. We might be around for a long, long time." Ratchet spoke up, making her realize she truly had been missing out on something.

Sitting up, she felt her muscles ache, but she didn't care. "I would truly like an explanation to what the heck has been going on since Optimus left me out in the middle of nowhere, during the middle of the night." Julie cried out as she pulled herself up onto her feet, gaining everyone's attention.

"Julie, you're awake." Bumblebee cried out. Suddenly Sari jumped off the medical bed, trying to run towards her, only for Julie to quickly fly over and catch her before she fell onto the floor of the medical bay. "Sari, are you insane?" Julie cried out as she landed on the medical bed that Bee was in. As a response though, the girl merely just hugged her as she sat there on her knees, the girl's arms wrapped around her neck and squeezing tightly like the girl was afraid to let go.

"Uh, Sari?" Julie asked unsure what to do as the girl hugged her, but she found herself hesitantly wrapping her arms around the girl to return the hug while the bots watched. "Did something happen? Why are you acting like I died?" Julie asked as she looked at the girl.

"We thought you did." Ratchet spoke up as he took a step towards her. "Your readings were so low that I thought you would be passed out for merely a few days, let alone wake up."

"Are you sure you aren't just being dramatic?" She asked as she looked up at him. "I feel fine, honestly, just a little sore like I have been running a lot." She looked up at Ratchet and then at the others, hoping that this was just a joke he was playing on her, but none of them responded. "I...I don't understand. All I did was use the same powers I used so many years back. I agree I used them a little bit more than usual because I was training myself, but that hasn't ever killed me. It just leaves me a little drained is all."

"How come you didn't tell us you can control the nature around us?" Bumblebee asked.

"Uh, I did. You don't remember Sari bursting about the fact that I can understand animals?" Julie replied.

"I think what Bumblebee means to say is, how come you haven't ever used it in front of us before?" Optimus asked.

"'s not really my favorite aspect about myself. If it wasn't for me noticing Sari's key light up, and me seeing you guys in danger, I probably wouldn't ever have used it in front of you guys."

"Why not?" Sari asked as she let go of me and stepped back. "You're so powerful that you probably easily defeated those cons on your own."

"But she didn't.." Prowl suddenly commented. "..because she was more focused on defending us rather than attacking them."

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