5. |"One string broken by a close family, replaced by another friendly figure.."

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This is Lumine as the traveler btw
(This took too long on me being on writers block a bit💔💔)





Swords hitting one another fighting, defending oneself, fighting an Abyss Herald as of self defense. As it tried to escape by making a "portal" Dainsleif used his elemental power catching them before it enter, but a mysterious sword suddenly came out of nowhere and was ready to attack Dainsleif but lucky he was able to dodge it in time. The traveler's eyes widened on who drew the blade...

It was her brother..


"C-could it be..!?" Paimon spoke stunned. "Aether!" Lumine yelled out loud that the walls echoed from her brother's name, "I've finally found you!" "Wait your brother and the abyss.." paimon looked at you a bit sad. "Lumine, why are you with Dain?" Aether spoke looking at you irritated. You and paimon looked at each other in shocked from that question your brother asked, Lumine asked herself why does it matter if we've been separated for so long and he chose to asked you this.

"Aether..We meet again." Dainsleif spoke. "WHAT!!" Paimon shouted "You and the traveler's sibling have met!?!?" Lumine looked at Dainsleif and back to her brother, her own brother with the abyss? "Don't try to stop the abyss, until my plans to engulfed the thrones, my war with destiny will see no end."


Confused...Lumine was so confused on what their brother was saying..a war? She was scared and trembling with thoughts on what he was doing. "Once you have reach the ends of your journey just as I did, you too will see the true nature of this world." The abyss herald was now making a portal for them to back to the abyss, "Though we need not rush, brother. I have more than enough time to wait for you. If you do try to process to stop the abyss," Aether turn and stopped to finish. "then I will no longer see you as my dear sisters as before all those years ago."

Lumine heart ached from that sudden thought from her own brother? Him not seeing them as  his own sibling? His own sister not being seen as a family member? Lumine started walking towards Aether trying to check up to him to stop making him saying those stuff.  "We had always... had enough time." Dainsleif caught up with him while she didn't make it...



That's where it all went downhill, all Lumine could think about for the rest of their days thinking about what he said,"then I will no longer see you as my dear sisters as before all those years ago." Kept rewinding everyday and every night, every dream turning into a nightmare, every thought now just repeating the same over and over again. Could someone save them from their misery and sadness from their very own sibling? Yes..Lumine found someone to reattach the string what was once broken and so torn apart now being band new, being reattached as a new string replaces that sad old tragic string, memory, of that incident into a new sibling figure. And that person was you..

You are the person Lumine finds as a sibling, the one who saves her from all their trouble, the endless thoughts, nightmares, and memories she keeps thinking about..was just by meeting you made that loneliness go away.


"Hahaha! Well, well. We meet again, traveler!" Paimon screamed," Ah! The Abyss Herald! What are you plotting to do in this strange place?" Lumine getting in position for an attack. "Strange place? Hehehe... You needn't worry about such things, they don't concern you!" As the abyss herald responded to paimon it got ready to attack. As Lumine hit its shield, she didn't make any damage to it. Huh? Wh—Why can't we beat this guy...? Paimon doesn't get it. We've faced others like him before, what's wrong this time?" Paimon said in confusion. "Traveler, through you may have managed to avert countless crises before, your good fortune was bound to end sooner or later. It's time you realize how weak and powerless you really are!" Lumine called out, "My journey will not end here! I still must find my brother!!" "Your brother? Meahahaha! Oh, how pityful traveler, are you really so ignorant? Or are you just living in complete denial?" "His highness has long since forsaken you. Your meager existence in his highness eye's is that of an annoying bug only to be stepped upon! The bonds of love and family which drive you to find your sibling are utterly gone! Your journey is meaningless!" Those words from what the Abyss Herald said dropped Lumines heart, did he really find her not a family no more? "If my brother seeks not to see me as their sibling, then I will also not want to see him as my brother. As I have found someone else as a sibling who cares about me, who treats me good, helps me with my problems, and comforts me than leaving me behid not trying to go look for me!" Paimon said as shocked from those who came from the traveler, Lumine, paimon couldn't put her finger who Lumine was saying who they found as a sibling. "Oh? Looks like you finally realized how he doesn't love you no more, but don't you fret now. Today will be your last. Now die!" As the traveler was preparing to get their sword they were greeted to be back in the cave where they found Haypasia. "What just happened? I was in a near attack by the abyss herald, how did I end up back here?" Lumine questioned in her mind.

But that doesn't matter no more, she was already looking forward to their new sibling




And that was you.
They were looking forward to replace the string that was broken from her dear brother to you being their new sibling figure they look up to now, who they trust for you to comfort her, to care for her, and to look out for her. They want you, reader, as their new sibling as her own brother rejected them

Word count: 1031

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