After you graduate

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when you graduate from monster high you both promise to stay together and when you grow up a bit more you also move into a house together and visit your families, your father always teases you about getting married or having children making you laugh awkwardly and under your breath telling him to shut up

He moves into your cave with you and you just stay together basically every day and he eventually helps you get your confidence in your wings so you go out more with him, and instead of fearing your wings you learn to be confident with them and start to take no crap from nobody

You move away close to your family and far away from his because he didn't want to have to deal with the stress of his family constantly pressuring him to break up with you and he ends up becoming really close with your entire community because he can get them stuff from places they are too scared to go which they really appreciate

You and him still live separately but spend nearly all your time together go to the movies, picnics, restaurants and spa days but anything that can be done with two people you two are probably doing much to the annoyance of some of your friends since your already fully booked when they want to hang out

You help Jackson and holt learn to manage the time they spend with you since they technically started getting jealous of how much time one of them would end up with you, you cut ties with your family completely after they tried to set you up with someone else even though you were still with Jackson and holt

Your siblings are really happy that you have stayed with neighthan but your parents still don't like him because of how clumsy he is around your home, his parents are extremely happy that he is with you and you end up learning how to speak zombie so you can communicate with his father which they both greatly appreciate

You move in together and end up just becoming like the only couple in school that had stayed together for so long after they left school which somewhat surprised you since you're the couple that probably argued the most

You technically never left school but when you grew up pharaoh let you move in with him and his mother and she ended up giving you some of the best things you ever had and helped you with your education since she learned you never got a proper one and at first you didn't know what to do with all her kindness towards you

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