How their ex / ex crush reacted

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CLAWD : she would be happy for both you and clawd but she would also be a bit upset, she spent so much time with him and most of that time was used trying to prove to others that vampires and werewolves could be together but it ended in a break up, but all she wants if for you two is to be happy together

DEUCE : she would be quite upset that he moved on so quickly but glad he could find someone else to love him for him and who's family didn't care about his status or how he could provide for them

GIL : if you're a saltwater shark she'll hope that your stronger than her but if your a freshwater shark she's happy Gil found someone that can make both him and his parents happy

HEATH : I don't think abbey would mind that much since they were never really together technically but she would be slightly upset that she didn't get her chance with him

JACKSON / HOLT : I don't think he had one except for possibly Frankie and Claire and if so frankie would be very happy he found someone who liked both Jackson as well as holt so you can all be happy, I think Claire would be a bit more upset but ultimately understand since they can be both holt and Jackson around you but they could only be Jackson around her - I'm pretty sure she only liked Jackson anyway

NEIGHTHAN : I think she would be sad since she thought they had something special but ultimately happy for both of you as she just wants everyone to be happy even if that means sacrificing her own happiness

PORTER : she would be quite upset i think since it feels like Porter just led her along and now he is with another person who they knew before so why didn't he just go with her and not allow her heartbreak

PHARAOH : I think catty would be sad but ultimately think it was the best thing since she doesn't live in boo York and you do so it was always a possibility he would move on and date someone from boo York

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