Visiting home (You)

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CLAWD : dad - your dad was so happy when you brought clawd home because you found someone to love and all he wants for you is to be happy no matter what type of monster it is - and this time he could get answers to his questions
Clawd: "Hello I'm clawd"

Y/n's dad: "I'm y/n's father it's nice to meet you clawd"

DEUCE : pet - since you don't really have any family that you know off you just showed deuce your pet turtle since it's the only thing that isn't scared of you and that you can handle without feeling as if you'll hurt it
Y/n: "This is Spartacus"

Deuce: "Spartacus?"

Y/n: "Yep"

GIL : sister and parents - he has met your sister before at school so he only had to worry about your parents and he was very nervous since they have the constant energy of 'if you hurt my child I'll rip your arms off' but they were very kind to him and also curious about his species
Gil: "Hello mr and Mrs L/n"

Y/n's dad: "Hello boy ... how are you today!"

Gil: "Um ..... good!"

HEATH : mom - your mom was very intrigued by his hair and it just turned into you both talking about his hair the entire time he was there while your sister tried to talk to him about how your relationship was
Y/n's mom "How does it stay alight?"

Y/n: "I have no idea"

Heath: "Did you forget I'm here?"

Luna: "I didn't"

Heath: "Thanks Luna"

JACKSON / HOLT : mom and dad - they weren't happy first going to monster high now dating a half normie half monster they were having none of it they wanted to pull you out of monster high just because of that but you stood up to them they also started screaming at Jackson that he had tainted their innocent daughter
Y/n's mom: "Y/n you will leave that school at once!"

Y/n: "No I won't you can't control me!"

NEIGHTHAN : little sister and big brother - your parents didn't like the fact that he was a hybrid and thought he might not be good enough so they went out for the night just refusing to meet him at all but your little sister was very intrigued by him being a hybrid and your older brother was being very overprotective of you
Little sister: "Your really cool!"

Big brother: "Has he done anything to you?"

Y/n: "No he hasn't promise"

PORTER : sister - since he had met her before it was more of you trying to make sure they got along since your sister didn't like him because she remembers when he painted her locker and made her get detention but she did eventually warm up to him
Y/n's sister: "YOU LITTLE-"

Porter: "I'M SORRY!"

PHARAOH : big brother - he didn't care and firstly it was also by pure coincidence that you even saw him and was able to introduce them since he basically abandoned you in the streets as soon as you were able to take care of yourself and secondly he hasn't cared about you ever so why would he care about who you date
Y/n: "This my boyfriend"

Y/n's brother: "Ok...why are you talking to me? Go away"

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