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The following morning i'm straight out of bed and down stairs with the boys, leaving the girls to have their daily chat.

I am interested to see what goes on in those chats to be honest.

Standing in the kitchen with Dami, Luca sudden walks in saying "anyone else getting any kisses from Ekin last night?"

Being as confused as all the other boys we all questioned "Kisses?"

"Yeah man I was being blown kisses every time paige left the room."

Ohhhh shit that's confident or Ekin, I mean you can already tell she is exceptionally confident, I just hope she doesn't put her claws on me.

He gives a demonstration of how Ekin was acting last night, and exactly how she was blowing kisses at him saying "I mean every one of us would pull her for a chat though."

"Yeah" Dami agrees.

I've got to disagree as I say 'no' in my head, not wanting to create unnecessary tension.

The girls are all going to be fuming at her coming in like that, especially with the attitude she has.

"What's Gemma saying then" Ikenna questions Davide.

My ears prick up at the sound of her name and so listen in to his response.

"I think she wouldn't be scared of them, I am going to go have a chat with both." Yeah she wouldn't be scared of losing you... because she doesn't like you, what doesn't he understand.

I can't wait for the next recoupling when I can couple up with her.

Gemma's a confident girl, she really wouldn't be threatened by these girls. She might be if they also wanted me, but she should know that I want her, I think i've made it pretty clear.

Ekin-su, Afia and Francesca make their way down into the kitchen to us and the boys start with their questioning.

"I'm a good cook you know." She says, flirting with all of us, tucking her hair behind her ear, her demeanour reeking confidence.

"I can't believe the girls don't make breakfast for you guy, that's terrible from them." She starts, making me cringe slightly, the confidence isn't indulging at all. "I can do it for you all."

Many of the boys entertained this, especially Davide who flirted with her loads.

"Jason, how do you like your eggs?" She shouts to me even though I'm only sitting on the sofa by the island.

Not really wanting her to make me anything, I lean my head back and close my eyes, groaning internally.

"I'm allergic to eggs." I shout back.

I in fact was not allergic to eggs.

Gemma comes down soon after, walking straight over to me.

"You're not allergic to eggs" She whispers.

"Nope" I say, throwing my arm over her shoulder, I guide her to the day beds, seating myself before she comes and sits next to me.

"How're you then?" I question, leaning back with my sunglasses on, sipping out of my water bottle. "You and Davide more specifically" I quickly add.

"Yeah good, and in terms of Davide, I'm still going to get to know him but, like, I'm very much interested in getting to know you as well." She looks so serious when she's explaining her point of view, it's cute

I move my hand to push her hair back to I can see her face better, "yeah" I whisper "And what about the Ekin-Su situation?"

She looks up at me with a cute smile, "well, she really pissed me off with her comments about me being her younger sister. That was rude and uncalled for."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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