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Waking up early, after a long night, to blinding lights is not ideal. Especially not when Davide is like a personal heater, I attempted to get as far away from his body heat as possible, however I had to stop when I reached the edge of the bed. Not really wanting to embarrass myself on the first morning. 

Grabbing my sunglasses off the bedside table and pulling my hood up to shade my eyes as much as possible, I push myself up to rest against the headboard. 

Various 'morning's' were heard around the room as everyone gradually awoke. 

The girls swiftly made their way upstairs, I suppose to have a girls chat. The guys and I stayed in the bedroom lounging. "Right then lads how did you find your first night" Luca breaks the silence.

"Not my best sleep with radiator Davide next to me" I replied, jokingly glaring at the culprit. 

"I had a good night" Davide says simply. Well he doesn't say much...

After a short chat we made our way downstairs to the kitchen where a few of the lads made drinks for the girls. We chatted some more, they all seemed like sound lads, and before long the girls had made their way downstairs.

 I had decided get changed into my swim shorts prior to going downstairs, so when all the lads went to change I was left to chill with the girls. 

I took this moment to pull a couple of the girls for chats. 

To my luck, Tasha made her way into the kitchen and came straight over to me. "want to go for a chat?" she asked me. 

"I thought I was supposed to be the one to ask" I replied as I followed her towards the bean bags, situating myself on a pink one opposite her. 

Sipping from my water-bottle I started with the usual boring questions like 'how old are you', 'where are you from' and 'what do you do'. 

"So how are you feeling in your couple at the moment then?" I asked her, shifting to make myself more comfortable. 

"Yeah so I'm as happy as one could be on the third day, Andrews a lovely guy and we get on well. But obviously its early days and your an attractive guy so I'm not ruling anything off" Her reply made me smirk slightly as she mentioned my looks, always a nice confidence booster. "So who are your top three?"

"You think I'm going to say?" I joked with her as she laughed. "Yeah so obviously you're a gorgeous girl so you're up there. Then there's also Gemma and I'm not sure on a third."

Tasha and I talked for bit longer and we got on really well. Her personality is definitely a good one, and our conversation flowed. I'm definitely not ruling her out and I'd like to get to know her more. 

"I've got a text!" A strong Italian accent sounds around the villa. I get up and offer my hand to Tasha who takes it gratefully. We make our way over to him as he reads out the message. 

"Tonight Davide and Jason will chose an islander to couple up with #ciaobella  "

"Right then better get my graft on don't I" I said in attempt to break the tension as many of the lads had frozen and looked bitter. 

Deciding to move away from the awkward silence I decided to speak to Davide. "Alright mate, what to go for a quick chat?" He agreed and we made our way to the day bed. 

Settling ourselves onto the daybed Davide spoke up "Who are you thinking of pulling for a chat then?" His Italian accent ringing in my ears. 

"I've just spoken to Tasha and we get along well, but I'm also going to pull Gemma in a moment." I replied, resting on my elbows. "You?"

"Yes I am thinking of Gemma too, and maybe Paige too" He stated which caused me to quickly interfere.

"Now mate, I'm not saying this because I want a better chance of getting the girl, but, She is only 19 and you are 28. I mean I'm not going to stop you but you are in completely different life stages." I didn't want him thinking that I was being a mug towards him. 

"I had not thought of that" He said staring into space, "I guess whatever happens happens"

The conversation had basically ended by then so I got up and made my way towards the pool. 

Awhile later I decided now was the time to pull Gemma as I had already seen Davide speaking to her. 

She was sitting around the fire pit speaking to Paige so I made my way over. I saw Paige's eyes travel down my body which caused a smirk to appear on my face. "alright ladies"I spoke as I stood in front of them. "Can I steal Gemma for a quick chat?" 

I saw Gemma look to Paige as she nodded which made my respect for her grow, as she was making sure her friend was okay with her leaving her. 

"Yeah of course, shall we go to the swing?" She asked as we moved towards the swing.

Sitting down I rested my arm over the back of the swing and looked over at her. Her brunette hair was loose and hung naturally around her face, begging me to tuck it behind her ear. 

"So how are you feeling so far?" She asked me, even her accent was hot. 

"Yeah good, I've only spoken to a few girls today but I have a pretty good idea of who I'm going to pick." I spoke, keeping eye contact. "What about you? How are you feeling in your couple?"

"Yeah so I'm with Liam, he's a lovely boy... I just don't think he's the one for me. I know I've not had much time to speak to him but thinks just aren't clicking."

"So what are you looking for in a guy then?" I ask, hoping she will give me some indication of if she's interested. So far I can't read her what so ever, she's very well guarded. 

"Well, someone who is tall, well spoken, sporty, loyal and family orientated is a large factor for me."She lists, making my grin grow as I ticked all of those boxes.

"So me." I stated confidently giving her a cheeky grin, watching as she playfully rolls her eyes and shoves my chest. I let out a laugh and saw her eyes watch my face as a small grin made its way across her face.

 "Don't worry darling, I'm into you too" I said, seeing her maintain eye contact even as she blushed at my comment. My kinda girl.  "So where do I stand with you then?" I question.

"As if I'm going to tell you that" She says playfully. 

The conversation between the two of us flowed really easily and before we knew it Amber had called us over as we didn't head the Liam shout 'text'. 

"Can all islanders please gather around the fire pit immediately." 

As we made our way over the girls were told to situate themselves in front of the fire pit, as us boys faced them. Each of them looked nervous and the boys were all avoiding eye contact. 

Soon enough Davide's phone pinged and he stood up. 

"Okay, naturally it has not been easy to choose, because only 24 hours is difficult to try to know everyone and try to make the right decision. So I decided to couple up with this girl because there is not just attraction, I mean yes she is a stunning girl. I felt we had a really good time and I would like to know her more. So the girl I would like to couple up with is... 

A.N chapter 2 already :)))) I did copy Davide's speech however not everything will be the same. I am trying to make this book unique and not completely predictable. 

Yet again I can't be bothered to reread this and check for grammar mistakes.

Heartbreaker - Love Island 2022Where stories live. Discover now