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The only thing going on in my head was the repetitive chant of 'please not Gemma' ' please not Gemma'. 

The silence was deafening as we all waited to find out his choice.

"... Gemma" His voice rung in my ears as I looked over at Gemma as she made her way over to Davide, sitting down next to him after a short hug. We held eye contact as she was sitting with him and I attempted to portray my feelings through my eyes, although I couldn't tell how she was feeling.

Now what to do? 

My phone soon received a message, indicating that it was my time to choose. 

Standing up and slightly shuffling my feet I scanned the girls lined up and started my speech, I wasn't going to mention the fact that Davide stole my girl. 

"I would like to couple up with this girl because from the moment I walked in she caught my eye. Obviously she's a gorgeous girl and she's got a personality to match it. From the conversations we've had she seems genuine and our conversation flowed. Its not been easy coming in and only having 24 hours to choose, so for that reason the girl I would like to couple up with is... Tasha." 

I watched as she made her way over to me as I kissed both her cheeks and sat down next to her. There was a tense atmosphere hanging over the islanders after the dramatic recouping left Liam and Andrew single. 

The silence lengthened before Liam's phone went off and he read out "Liam and Andrew you are now both single. At the end of the week the islanders will partake in a recouping. Any Islanders not picked will be dumped from the island. #getyourgrafton #lostagem"

As the girls went off elsewhere I pulled Andrew for a chat. 

As we sat down I automatically cleared the air "Obviously I didn't speak to you about who I was going to couple up with and I apologise for that, but I was planning on coupling up with Gemma until Davide chose her."

"Oh no worries mate, we've only just met anyway. It's not an ideal situation but I'll just have to get my graft on then won't I." He replied grinning at me. His words were reassuring and helped me relax somewhat. "So how are you feeling about Davide choosing Gemma then?"

"Not exactly ecstatic about it since I did speak to him about her, especially on the topic of him being 9 years older than her. but I guess he didn't get the memo." I'm not exactly annoyed at him because if he thought they did have a genuine connection then good for him. 

I lay my head back on the swing and stared up at the sky. The clouds had covered the stars like a blanket turning the air colder. Andrew and I spoke for awhile longer before we made our way inside. He's a sound guy and we get along well, I think we'll be good mates.


I got changed out of my evening wear into boxers and a hoodie, grabbing my water bottle and entering the bedroom (after doing everything in the bathroom) where most of the islanders were already. 

I walked over to mine and Tasha's bed before making eye contact with Gemma and giving her a quick wink. As I got into bed, Tasha and I exchanged a few words. 

"How are you feeling about me choosing you?" I asked her whilst turning onto my right side to face her, she'd stolen the right hand side of the bed - which is the side I preferred to sleep on. 

She hesitated for a moment before answering. "I'm flattered honestly and your speech was very nice, obviously I'm still going to get to know Andrew as I expect you will with Gemma and the rest of the girls, but overall yeah I'm pleased." 

Her response was simple but I understood the underlying meaning, that she was flattered to be chosen but fancy's Andrew more. And I'm okay with that because I do want to get to know Gemma too. 

Heartbreaker - Love Island 2022Where stories live. Discover now