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—chapter nine | Victory of the Daleks


—"THERE'S.. a blue wire or something you have to cut, isn't there? There's always a blue wire. Or a red one." The Doctor pointed at Amy while standing up only for her to not be helping. Eve sighed while walking impatiently up and down.

"You're not helping!" The Doctor shouted.

"It's incredible. He talked to us about his memories. The Great War..." Winston Churchill smiled while thinking about it before looking down at Bracewell, who could blow up any second.

"Someone else's stolen thoughts, implanted in a positronic brain." The Doctor tossed his screwdriver from one hand to the other before clicking his fingers then pointing at Bracewell. "Tell me about it. Bracewell! Tell me about your life!"

He sat next to the man. "Doctor, I really don't think this is the time!"

"Tell me and prove you're human. Tell me everything." The Doctor told him as the first part of the countdown on his chest went red.

"My family ran the Post Office. It's a little place just near the Abby. Just by the Ash trees. There used to be eight trees but there was a storm." "And your parents? Come on! Tell me!" "Good people. Kind people. They.. they died. Scarlet fever."

"What was that like? How did it feel?" The Doctor asked as Bracewell almost began to cry even thinking about it "How did it make you feel, Edwin? Tell me! Tell me now!"

"Yelling at him won't fix anything!" Eve almost shouted as she crouched down beside the two. "Go on, Edwin." She smiled at Bracewell.

"It hurt. It hurts, Ma'am, so badly. Like a wound. It was worse than a wound. Like I'd been emptied out. There was nothing."

"Good. Remember it now, Edwin! The Ash trees by the Post Office and your mum and dad and losing them and men in the trenches you saw die.. remember it! Feel it, because you're human. You're not like them. You are not like the Daleks!" The Doctor told him.

"It hurts! It hurts so much!" Bracewell cried out.

"Good! Good! Good! Brilliant! Embrace it!" Eve watched as the sections were still turning red. "That means you're alive! They cannot explode that bomb, you're a human being! You're flesh and blood! They cannot explode that bomb! Believe it!"

Amy began to walk forward and kneeled beside Eve and Bracewell. "You are Professor Edwin Bracewell! And you, my friend, are a human being!" The Doctor finished and noticed all his yelling and trying to help the whole situation did nothing at all. "It's not working, I can't stop it!"

He looked up towards the two women. "Hey, Edwin. Ever liked someone you know you shouldn't?" Eve asked him.


"It's painful, isn't it?" Eve placed her hands on the cold floor as the Scottish redhead glanced at the Doctor. "But.. a nice kind of hurt."

"I really shouldn't talk about her." Eve raised her eyebrows with a smile.

"Oh, there's a her." Eve smiled as Bracewell began to think of his love.

"What was her name?" The Doctor asked making Bracewell smile into space.


The Doctor almost laughed. "Dorabella." Eve glared at him. "It's a lovely name, it's a beautiful name."

"And what was Dorabella like, Edwin?"

"Oh, such a smile. And her eyes... her eyes were so blue... almost violet. Like the last touch of sunset on the edge of the world.." Eve smiled at the man as he described the woman he loved. "Dorabella.." the sections all quickly faded back to blue meaning he could do no harm. Bracewell was now human.

"Welcome to the human race." The trio smiled at one another. The Doctor pointed a Winston. "You're brilliant," then at Bracewell, "you're brilliant," he pointed at Amy, "you're brilliant," then he looked at Eve who smiled at him. "And you.." he smiled before he kissed hers and Amy's foreheads. "Now! Gotta stop them! Stop the Daleks!"

He began to run off but Bracewell sat up. "Wait! Doctor! Wait... wait. It's too late. Gone. They've gone." This cause the Doctor to yell.

"No! No, no, no! They can't! They can't have got away from me again!"

"No, I can feel it, my mind is clear. The Daleks have gone." Everyone looked at the Doctor who stood with disbelief. Amy walked forward.

"Doctor! It's okay! You did it. You stopped the bomb. Doctor?"

"I have a choice. And they knew I'd choose the Earth. The Daleks have won. They've beat me. They've won."

"But you've saved the Earth. Not too shabby, is it..?" The Doctor looked around and a small smile started to form on his face. "Is it?"

"No. It's not too shabby."

"It's a brilliant achievement, my dear friend." Winston smiled. "Here, have a cigar." The man held out a cigar in his hand.



- 𝐔𝐍𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐄 !Where stories live. Discover now