Chapter 6

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I was glad to know that someone knew I was alive and working. It was horrible to see the looks on my parents faces when they saw my body being lifted into the van. "We need to tell your parents Sam! They need to know"! Casey said as she went to drag me out of the pirate cove. "Casey, I can't. If the staff see me working then I will never be able to see them"; I said to her but my voice sounding like foxy's instead of mine. She looked at me and nodded. "I understand, will you be able to see us again"? She asked. Her eyes had a pleading look in them as she looked up to me, usually we would be the same height, but now I was taller. "I will try, but first I need to get revenge on the person who killed me"; I said with anger rising as I had flash backs of when then in purple stabbed me. Casey nodded and quickly walked out of pirate cove. As soon as she left everything in my cove went silent.
It was around 10:00pm and the kids who had been cheering on the animatronic band had disappeared two hours ago, I was in my cove back to trying to solve my Rubik's cube with one hand, I had one more colour to go and then I was wrenched out of my cove by then hands of Chica. "Hey, w-what the hec-ck"? I asked her with my voice glitching again. She put one of her fingers in my about and said: "follow me": I did as she said and followed her through the curtain of the stage. In here was Freddy and bonny talking about what I think was a plan. As Chica and I walked into the back stage area they turned and greeted us. "Why h-hello ffoxy, w-welcome to what you will be doing until we get revenge"; Freddy said as he did a small wave. "This is night t-wo of the s-same night gaurdd being h-ere"; bonny said in a sort of frustrated way. You could tell he wanted to be free and not be watched by the cameras. "This is where y-ou come on f-f-foxy"; Chica said with some excitement, was I vital to the plans of getting rid of the night guard? "W-hen the n-night guard d-oes-not look ar your c-ove for a while, we n-eed you to sprint down the h-all and lean I-into the door way"; Freddy said eagerness to get going. The bells for midnight rang and i was ready to go. It was kinda funny to see the others move when the cameras weren't activated and then stop, it was like a good game of red light - green light. As Bonny was in the dining area he motioned me to come out a bit from pirate cove, so i did. This was going to be easy. At least every five minutes, pirate coves camera's light would flash green to show that it was on. This gave me plenty of time to move, and when he time was right I bursts out of the curtains and ran down the hall like a mad man. I had never felt so alive. I ran down to the door as fast as a cheetah and when I got there I leaned in and let out a bone chilling scream. After I did though I got the most biggest surprise ever, in front of my was my old friend mike, who was as pale as a ghost thanks to my entrance. "M-mike"? I asked him in confusion.

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