Trapped ( TW)

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Oak POV( chapter includes mention of rape/ abuse

When Camilla had walked in Veronica became timid. I payed very close attention to her reactions. Her thumb soothed her palm as she anxiously bit her bottom lip." Veronica who's this beautiful lady you must've forgotten to introduce me to "

I've always seen Camilla around Lorenzo and Sergio if she wasn't with them she was gone like a ghost. " I'm oak... oak freeland " I gladly introduced myself.

For a few seconds it went quiet the atmosphere around us stiffened as Camilla took a brief look at me. Her eyes showing no emotion; Camilla showed a small smile before stating" dinner is ready we can talk more there miss freeland" her voice was soothing it matched her looks; blue eyes , tall around 5'9 petite frame, skinny, long legs, extremely fit. I nodded my head. Getting a grip of Veronica's hand it squeezing it as we made our way towards the dinning table.

" what is wrong"

Veronica was hiding something she may have thought I hadn't noticed the way she tensed as soon as Camilla walked in the room. Or how she continuously blinked as if holding back tears. " we can talk about it later let's just eat for now"

Me and v pulled out chairs all the way at the end of the table. It was pretty clear she didn't want to sit In front of Lorenzo and I didn't want to sit next to Sergio.

The other night wasn't the best but when is any night involving Sergio ever the best?

I accidentally dropped his favorite and most expensive vase, after brutally using me as his sex doll he made me sleep on the cold hard floor. My back still aches from that night.
Anytime he uses me I don't cry or try to run because I'm used to it.

For the last 2 years I've been treated as if I'm a piece of trash and it's normal in my life because here woman aren't seen as woman, we are seen as breeders or whores who are only alive to please men if we don't we die.

Of course at first I wanted to die who wants to be used? You get used to it after some time of only being noticed for 1 thing.

" Sergio who is this? She incredibly beautiful " a random man speaks.

I take small bites of my food not bothering to pay attention to their conversation.

It's either he meant I was truly beautiful or he wants to fuck me.

Veronica takes large portions of her food as if she hasn't ate in days. Camillas eyes bore into my skull, I can feel it " So how did you guys meet?" She creates a separate conversation while the others continue.

Before I could talk Veronica speaks herself.
"Um we were maids just started from there"

The um in front of the sentence lost Camilla as she stared at V not seeming to believe it.

Why would it matter to her?

" we worked there for a while until suddenly we were brought here" Camilla looks at me before taking a bite off her plate. " how do you now Veronica? I mean you seem so interested "
Veronica bit down on her bottom lip nervously.

Camillas eyes showed surprise at my response.

"Sorella, cosa c'è che non va, ti dà fastidio?" Lorenzo fastly took notice of Camillas reaction.
(Sister what's wrong is she bothering you?)

I've instantly regretted my choice of words. He was scanning me his eyes showed complete disgust making me uncomfortable.
" no no we're fine here just a mistake of words" Camilla cleared. His eyes stayed boring into mine as a warning to watch my words I tore my eyes from is looking down at my plate.

Veronica was nearly pale.

" sorry I couldn't say anything " she whispered her hands on my leg eyes pleading for forgiveness. " it's fine I could've said something but didn't "

I sounded pathetic and that's what I hated about myself. My adrenaline was off the roof.

I don't want to get on Lorenzo's bad side.
" I'm sorry if of my tone or words offended you " I apologized .

Camilla said nothing as she continued eating.

" I'm not so hungry anymore " Veronica set her fork down.

The other side of table got loud again as their family members and some guards continued with their talking.

" you sure? At least drink something you look as pale as a ghost "

" I'll wait for you to finish I wouldn't want to leave you here with them" she whispered the last few words.

" no it's fine" I silently slide my chair back Veronica does the same as we make our way to god knows where she leads the way." V I'm not sure if Sergio would like me wondering like this" We both enter a guest room.

Before I could close the door a thud is heard as Veronica collapse onto her knees completely breaking as her broken cries fill the room.

I quickly shut and lock the door before comforting her." Veronica what's wrong? You've been acting weird ever since Camilla came in"

Her words were muffled by her horrific cries. It broke my heart.

" t-t they hurt m-m-me oak" she quavers,
I held her face wiping away the fresh tears. She pulls down her dress revealing fresh bandages all over her back the flesh was completely red some scares not completely covered showing the bruises and cuts. My mouth laid agape my own tears falling.

It hurt to know

I was older then Veronica and couldn't protect her. It always felt like my place was to take care of her and make sure nobody hurt her even if I got hurt in the process.

" Lorenzo did this because he thought I-I was trying to escape but the guards forcedme to do it oak i p-p-promise I wasn't trying to leave you" she sobbed .

" if you ever can escape d-do it leave me be happy Veronica " delivering a harsh kiss to her forehead I brought her into an tight hug.

She's still young how could he do this to her it's sick they are all cruel monsters.

" I tried I tried b-b-but she raped me oak I'm so weak I couldn't even get a woman off me when is the pain gonna stop "


I felt sorrow neither of us deserved it. I hugged her even tighter as my chest tightened. She should be the one crying not me.

________ TYSM I'm almost at 500 reads .

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