Filbo fiddlepie x Gramble Gigglefunny

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The party was a disaster, Gramble and Wambus fought again, Beffica was being...well.......Beffica, and he accidentally made the journalist sick via recommending they'd eat a strabby all in one night. As the journalist who he just called buddy was still in the outhouse and he was mentally yelling at himself he noticed Gramble nervously counting his bugsnax, he decided it was probably best to try and apologize for not stepping in to break up his and wambuses fight and slowly approtched.
"Hey Gramble?..." Gramble flinched and turned to look at me, his face turned from surprise to a mix of slight frustration and relief "Filbo......What are you doing here?" He said suspiciously, as much as he wanted to ask why he knew. He had been paranoid since some bugsnax had slowly went missing from his barn and the nail in the coffin for it being when he found wambus stuffing his snax in a large sack, with a sigh I replied "I...I wanted to apologize for not breaking up you and Wambuses fight earlier, maybe the party would've gone better otherwise......" Gramble blinked at me a few times before speaking "Filbo....You don't need to apologize, if anything the chances are me and him would've found something else to argue about" "O-oh....Can I at least try to help you though? My conscious probably would eat at me otherwise...." Gramble simply nodded, helping Gramble recount and locking up the snax for the night was actually kind of easy and I promised to help him out a bit more and left to check on Buddy.
It was actually nice helping and talking with Gramble and actually found gramble going to talk with him even out of the times were he help with his bugsnax and his barn and became sort of friends and somehow catching feelings, thing was he really wasn't sure if gramble felt the same so he kept it quiet

That was a nearly a month ago
I was standing near the edge of the boat, hours ago he and Buddy found out from the newly transformed Lizbert that bugsnax we're parasites and had to have the entire expedition crew off the island, it took a while for my adrenaline to go down but now I was looking out onto the cloudless night sky finding myself unable to sleep, like my eyes were peeled open.
I heard someone walk next to me, looking over to see Gramble "heh.....I guess we both can't sleep...." I say, gramble then stands next to me "Yeah.....".
We stood in silence, taking a breath before speaking "I....Wanted to tell you something during the party earlier tonight" Gramble looked at me with a confused expression I take a breath before continuing "I.......I.....I like a lot....." Grambles face changed to surprise and I looked down and let my paws fall to my sides before continuing "And I'm sorry if I don't feel the same, and I'm sorry if this ruins our rela-" then I felt a paw on mine looking to see Gramble "I love you too Filbo" I felt a smile cross my face before we kissed, pulling away after a while and continuing to stare out at the stars.
As much as I should be sleeping, I don't want this night to end.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2022 ⏰

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