Chandlo Funkbun x Snorpy Fizzlebean

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Snorpys POV

Finally, flooftys gone and I got a small pep talk from the journalist it's finally time to tell him. I start my walk over to chandlo "Hey uhhh.......chandlo...We've been together for a long time and....." I pause, taking a deep breath "....would you like to be my boyfriend......." He looks at me with a bit of confusion "What? Bro that dosent make any sense"  If hearts could've shattered his would at that moment "oh I see....forget I said anything-" but before he could turn to leave chandlo spoke again "Snorpy..... we've been dating for years...." "W-wait what?" Well now I was confused, staring at him with surprise "bro remember when we made out on that Farris wheel and I said we should move in together?" I began to think about that night again


I've had finally gotten off from work at the local grocery store and entered my apartment, I felt burnt out and a bit tired so I sat down on my couch, checking my applications for other jobs I was applying for on my laptop and like the past week; no response yet. I sigh as I close my laptop about to get up to grab one of the instant noodles for another lonely night when my phone buzzed, picking it up I looked at the notification


I stared at it for a bit, I didn't see why not

Snorpy: Sure! But I'm a little low on cash at the moment

Chandlo: Don't worry dawg, it'll be my treat for today

We talked a bit more before we agreed to meet up at the entrance, starting my walk over from my apartment to the fairgrounds. Chandlo stood at the entrance, wearing his favorite Grumpball jersey from our highschool days. He runs up to me, a smile spread on his face "Comon dawg! Before the lines get longer!" Keeping his pace I began to get a bit worried about what ride, I know chandlo loved intense rides but I began to get a bit confused when we started to go to rides I liked, it was nice though.
As the sun started to set on the fairground he suggested we'd go onto the Farris wheel which I thought it be a nice way to end off the day, we were pretty high when chandlo started talking to me. "Dawg...I gotta tell you something" I looked back from the scenery "yes chandlo?" He paused for a second before speaking again "I love you dawg" I blushed before replying "I love you too" I could've sworn we were at the peak of the wheel when he kissed me which I kissed back. As we went back to my apartment my thoughts were racing, he was my roommate now and he was going to live with me. I thought too soon when I realized I only had my bed and the pull out couch.
"Oh chandlo I forgot about me only having my bed and the pull out couch I'm so sor-" "don't be Snorpy, I don't mind whatever we go for" I tried to let him know I'd be able to take the couch for a while but we somehow came to the agreement to share my bed. I remember cuddling up to chandlo that night I felt happy yet we were roommates
(Flashback end)
I mentally facepalmed at older me not seeing the signs "W-well I....I though we were just roommates with benefits.." "Sorry Snorpy-Dawg" Chandlo looked at me before giving me a peck on the lips, feeling blush rush to my cheeks "is that clear enough for you" I felt myself speaking gibberish from being this flustered "I love you dawg, now let's dance!" I nod and join Chandlo on the dance floor, how I wished that night would never end.......

Word count: 660

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