Yandere!Floofty x reader

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Floofty was in the shipwreck that they called their lab before they came back to town. I was returning back from simmering springs after finding a tropicabug for a experiment, thinking about things like the small puddle of water near one of the trees that wasn't there an hour ago, the green crapple cashing the gold kweeble down the beach, ect. Then their train of thought lead them to beffica being missing that morning.
They found it odd, not even floofty seen them and they stayed up a long time. Beffica's stuff was untouched but her camera was missing. "Ah your back Y/N" floofty's voice broke them from their thoughts "now do hand me the specimen" "O-Oh! Of course" I say, somewhat startled from their voice, handing them the tropicabug and sitting down on a nearby stool as floofty pinned the tropicabug on a board for whatever floofty had planned.
I started up a conversation with them, though I noticed that they were a lot more talkative to me then the others but didn't mind, grabbing my water canteen only to find it....empty? "Huh.... Could've sworn I filled this thing before I left...." I thought aloud, floofty handed me their water bottle before resuming their work "wasn't that thirsty anyway". Sipping from the bottle I noticed something strange about the taste, but ignored it and continued to talk to floofty.
At a point floofty reached over to grab something though failed to "grumping damn it.....Y/N can you head near the back and find the triangular test tube?" "Okay! I'll be right back" I made my to the back and began to search though bag and barrel to find it.
When I moved a small barrel to the side to find it when I saw a familiar object, Beffica's camera. I didn't understand, why was it here? I picked up the camera and noticed the screen was cracked. Worried I opened the gallery and begun to look though the most recent photos, they were taking pictures of sugarpine woods though someone always seemed to be in the shadows that they couldn't see. Then the most damning evidence of It that scared them, a series of photos. It started from beffica taking a selfie that didn't seem that bad until they saw the background, floofty running at them with a lead pipe, the second of beffica running, and the last sent a chill up their spine, befficas arm and paw was in from with a puddle of blood under it and likely more was off screen. Backing up and dropping the camera when I heard floofty's voice behind me "You ok darling?...". I turn around and staggered back, frightened "W-what did you do to beffica?......." Floofty simply smiled "she was in the way, but don't worry everything is fine now". I felt a pang in the back of my head and fell to the floor, feeling myself slowly slip into unconsciousness, I realized then what the puddle I saw earlier was.

(Word count:508)

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