○Chapter 5○

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⚠️T.W self harm, mentions of abuse⚠️

~Y/n's POV~

*I may aswell go somewhere. Maybe to the shops or something* I change into some comfortable clothes and do my hair and leave, bringing $30 with me.

~Timeskip bc I'm lazy 😓~

I'm sitting on a bench near the park eating a small slice of (favourite flavour) cake. It's peaceful where I'm sitting, the birds are chirping and the trees are swaying. *It's unfortunate how I'll have to go back home later.* I thought.

-starts to rain-

*Really. I can't have one nice day. Man this sucks.* I stare at the sky before sighing. *Time to go back then..* I finish the rest if the slice and put the paper plate in the bin and leave.

~at home. Sorry for all the timeskips, I'm not good at writing~

Wrapping up my bloody wrists, doing a bad job at it. I put the razor in my pocket, pulling my sleeves down and sitting there staring at the ceiling. My nose is bleeding and I have bruises all over my body, just done being beaten by my mother. *Just going to rest for a while* I thought, closing my eyes drifting into a deep sleep.

~few hours later (I dOn'T tHiNk We'Re In KaNsAs AnYmOrE tOtO)~

I wake up slowly only to realise I'm not in my room anymore. I sit up straight, looking around to figure out what happened and where I am, in complete shock. After a while of taking in my surroundings, I stand up and walk around to figure out where I am.

253 words. Sorry all these chapters are short. My brain doesn't work. Ily all! Have a good day/night/morning/afternoon/evening 🧡

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